The Gavelyte, November 1909
Li, THF} GAVELY'l'E. I her arrival engaged 4~ watching the J and Cana<ia, of whom twenty-one, contest for the world's base ball I almost half the entire number, live championship. Pittsburg and De- I in Ohio. Ohio is undoubtedly the troit.. the opposing teams decidecl home of great men, one of whom I this year to introduce a novel feature, am which (so we each one like to and so, instead of the whole teams flatter ourselves). playing, the <lecision of the champion-I With this climatic ~vent we shall ship was left. to combat similar to I close our discussion, since, although I that of the Curiatii and Horatii in I there have been many other im- ancient Rome, to a batting contest portant happenings, they are as yet between Ty Cobb and Hans Wagner. so confused with each other that we The latter won. Wagner is the man doubt our ability to get them before who wrote the wedding march. j the public in as clean a manner as While these soul-stirring events i we have the foregoing. were expmng in America. things ! LEROY ALLEN. were doing in the old world as well. I Professor Ferres, anarchist and · 1 and infidel, was executed for the I Chapel Talks. assassinati,rn of Prince Ito (or on Rev. H. F. Kerr, pastc,r of the 6th some charg~ or other) This c~~Red j Presbyterian church of Cincinnati, profound disturbances and upr;srngs I was with us on Monday morning, Oct. against tyrany throughout Europe : 17th. at which time he gave an ad– and i~ Nicaragua~ resulted in a I on t?e subjec_t. of "Influence," revolution led by General Estrada. 1 wluch subJect he d1v1ded unde.r three who has mobilized an army of six- j heads which he chose to dclsignate as teen men. President Zelaya, "The I "The requi~ites of a far-reaching in– Panther", as he is called, has, in the I fluence." The first of th(;)se requis- · course of his rei~n of six-teen years ities, he said was character, by which faced five revolutions, but none gr~w I he said he meant an unspotted life, to such·serious prop0rtions as has the clean hands, and a pure heart. The present one. second was the cultivation of individ- Speaking of such heroic topics uality, and in this connection he said, l:>ads us to recall the recent award of ''Leave the stamp of your life upon the Carnegie Hero commission. the work you do, whether it be do– Medals and rewards were issued to mestic, state or national,'' and the fifty person:\ in the 1 nited Rtates third requisite he chose to call win- '
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