The Gavelyte, November 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. somness or that which draws and I wins others to your:3elf and t o your Alumni Notes. 159 maker. Rev. Kerr is an able speaker Rev. J. Alvin Orr, '97, attende·d the and his address was marked by that fortieth anniversary of the marriage whkh he himself called individuality. 1 of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. R Al . 0 d t of j Orr, on last week. ev. vrn rr, a gra ua e 1 Cedarville College, wh0 at present I Rev. R. B. Wilson, '01, spent several is pastor of a United Presbyterian i days visiting old friends in Cedarville church in Philadelphia, gave a on his way home from Chicago, where chapel talk during the week of Oct. he had been attending Synod. 24th. Among the many good things Misses Vera Andrew, '03, and Ina said, and one which the speaker I Murdock, '07, have just returned wished to be reml·mbered \ras that I frnm an extended tour of the west. it is not so important that we j Their trip of some sixty days dur– each have two or three or five ation included The Park, the Seattle talents, as it is that we use to the Exposition ·and other points of utmost whatever talent the Lord has interest throughout the far and given to each of us. Rev. Orr is in ! middle west. a positiJn to know whereof he speaks j A report has been received by and therefore his words were the I friends of Mr. Peter Knott, '06, to more inspiring. I the effect that he has bee~ successful The chapel talk given by Prof. F. i in drawing a quarter sect10n of land A. Jurkat, Nov. 1st., on the subject, j in South Dakota, part of an Indian "Simplified Spelling" . w~~ . mo~t I Reservation that was thrown open to interesting and abounded rn that wit settlers. and h~1mor, for which the Professor -------- Miss Allen, in Arithmetic: Mr. i Fields if you would earn four dollars Monday November, 7dth,.Profh. ~- \j in one' day, how much would you earn R. McChesney lecture rn c ape· in a week? • The subject chosen .was: ".Th~ I Mr. Fields: Four dollars, of course. - . World in rn75." And it contarnea Miss Allen: How do you account much valuable informat~on, especially I fur that? Would you not earn more for the student of the times. It als,o I than that? containe~ some of the ~rofess?r s Mr. Fields: No, I would go sporting own ph1loslophy concerning mmd, j . matter anrl soul. the rPs t of the time. - is noted.
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