The Gavelyte, November 1909

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 151 "Will, I am sorry, but she doe-: not know. She is afraid of McNeil and you never have said any thing to let her know you think any thing of her." ''Gertrude how can I, I have had to work my way thru school. I could not even have mother come to my graduation and I had my heart set on it so much. Here I am without anyone that understands or cares. Even my College friends have deserted me." "Well don't you consider me as a friend and I have not deserted you." "Gertrude you are indeed a true friend to stay with me when your father i!:' looking for you this very minute; and all the class waiting to go to the banquet." "Aren't you going." '·Nu I wiil have to pack to-night, and any way I told Scott I would see him in my room in an hour anrl he will be waiting for me now." "Well if you are not going, I am not going either." It was not noticed that Roy and Gertrude were not at t~e banquet till Roy was called on as toast master. Then Beth remembered him, remem– bered his standing alone, and as she thought of him, the vision of his sad face tood up before her and would not leave. It was this that occupied her mind and caused McNeil to ask if sl1e were not feeling well. It was the reason they excused themselves and left before the class and professors left. This must also have had something to do ,., ith her decision to put McNeil off a year for his answer; and against all the threatening and pleading he dared ui-e, she stood firm. ~k Neil left the next mprning for his Dakota horn~ knowing they would ue separated for a year but he felt there would he a brighter day when he come for his answer. Chapter TV. REWARD OF FAITHFUL ESR. The next morning saw every one in a bustl e. Fathers, mothers anrl friends were hurrying to get started home with their boys and girls. Scott . and Roy walked down to the dE>pot with Gertrude and Beth and when their train pulled ont for Ch icago, Beth and Roy were no nearer to an understand– ing than they were the evening before. Thus two heavy hearts separated wh en one word from the lips of eith er would have lightened and rejoiced. That night William Roy uought a tieket for Pittsburg over the Big Four, while HPnty fieott bought, ovrr the