The Gavelyte, November 1909
THE GAVELYTE, Philo S oc iety . I in Ceclarville C'ollege should be The Philadelphian Literary Soci.,ty i ab ·1nduned." It was decided in favor hns been having anusually good pro- 1 of the negativP, The past week has grams during the past month. A been well spent by several of the nobby little play was given hy ten most experienced workers towa rds members at r,he joint society meeting arrangi;1g a Phill1Sl>phic Glee Club held Monday evening, Nov. 8th. The I which \\ ill prove tn be an interesting plot abounded in humor and spicy I feature in the meetinga to com!". local hits, and was well received by ! If you think not, cnme to our meet– the large audience present. I ings and we will endeavor to con- i vince y,iu ot he1 wise. Evrrybody Philosophi c Soc iety. I comP. T_he meetin~a of the . Philosoph!c I Society continue to rncrease rn I Y. W. C. A. interest and importance. From the j' The Y. W. '. A meeting was led present !:tandpoint of the soeiety her Thursday evening, Nov . 4th, by Miss future prospect far surpa,s those of Wilhelmina .\1itray. The meeting was previous years. The Society held very interesting and helpful. The her first meeti'ng Oct. 1 , '09 and attendance was not as good as it rendered an interesting and inspiring might have been. program. A similar meeting was The organiz:1tion feel3 that it is held Oct. 25, the main feature of prospering materially. We have teen which was a "free for all'' debatP, on having our rest room in the college the subject ''Resolved that Foot Rall building furnished anrl it begins to
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