The Gavelyte, November 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 155 look very cosy and comfortable. contest at Alliance, Ohio, some time While we f2el that we have been in February. If each one of us will making material progress we realize do all we can to assist our representa– that we have not been making an tive in every way possible, he will st"and equal advancement in a spiritual way. a good chance in the State contest. Our prayer meetings have all been I Let our motto be: Cedarville must very interesting and helpful but we represent Ohio in the Interstate con– have not been keeping up our record I test. of last spring. Last year we had I every girl in the organization and the 1 The Y. M. C. A. attendance at the meetings was ex- The College Y. M. C. A. has suc- cellent. We hope that we will be ceeded in securing several new mem– ab!e tl> keep up th~ same good ~ecord I hen~ this ye~r and. has b~en havi?g this year. We w1:;;h to urge all the I some very rnterestrng and rnstruct1ve members to make a greater effort to meetings. These are held each Thurs– be present at the meetings and to ex-1 day evening. The first meeting was tend a cordial invitation to the new held Oct. 21, and was led by Professor girls to join us. · . Palmer. The subject for discussion, The organization will be represent- "Cl!-an Athletics", was very appropri– e<l by Prof. Agnes Smith and Miss I ate and one which should inter"st all. Ad,t Allen at the Student Volunteer A class in Bible study will hold meet– Convention to Le held at Rocht1ster, I ings each S::ibhath aftf'rncon, and a N. Y., Dec 20- Jan. 2. I Mission study class under the efficient leader8hi'p of Prof. Allen, is to be Ora'torical As"ociation. started soon. Hoping to arouse - The College held its third annual interest in this branch of Y. M. C. A. Oratorical Contest last Friday night, the committee has decided to devote November 5, which was the best con- 18 weeks to· the study of Ho~e Mis– test in the history of Cedarville Col- I sions. Our representative to the _le e. Rocheeter Student Volunteer Con- . ~even contE:'Stants participated in vention is our President, W. P. Harri– this contest and Mr. Morgan was man. awarded first place and Mr. Brigham close in his foot steps received· econd place. Mr. Morgan will rep– resent Cedarvilll" in the annual Rtate The work of repairing the gymna– sium is progressing rapidly. Here's hoping.
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