The Gavelyte, November 1910
175 Current Events. I West of Indiana, wherever th~ Insur- PROF. F .A. JURKAT, J[_· M. J gents controlled a state Republican con- - vention, they swept the state. The . . . --:- I most notable instances were Stubbs, in The chief topic ~urmg the.past month Kansas, Johnson in California, Carroll has been the election and its results. in Iowa, and Lafoll~tte in Wisconsin. In 1892 the Democrats syvept _the c~un- ln Tennessee, the wrath of the people try fror:11 ocean to ocean and obtamed I against the Democrats for re-nominat– possess1on of all .departments of the ing the unpopular Patterson could not government; but m less than .two Y_ears be a!Jayed by the substitution of the party was completely d1scred1ted,, "Fiddling Bob" Taylor, and the Re– and overwhelmed a.t t_h~ polls, partly publicans .breaking the solid South, because of t?e pamc, qut mostly be- just when they were almost losing cause the Wilson-Gorman Law was, as Pennsylvania. President Cleveland remarked when re7 I - - o~- fusing to sign it, a matter of "p~rfidy The next House will be Democratia. and party dishonor." Then and there Now it would be a great joke if the the people resolved to vote for McKin- Republicans would get together and ley i 1896 no matter what new phases I pass the whole Democratic legislative -~ . . ' . . . program between December and March of poht1cs might mterv.ene m the 4th next. It would help Taft too. meantime. Senator Root told Roosevelt's enemies _.J_o-- that the surest way to elect Roosevelt The late election was quite a· victory_ in 1912 was to elect Dix now, and Reot is admittedly a sagacious man. for the Democrats, tho not so sweeping --o- · _ as appears at first glance. The history In Ohio, the Democrats elected the of 1894 is repeated, -except that for state ticke.t by a large majority, . and hard times we have high prices. There also se~ure.d control of the legislature in both branches. The chief apprehen– is the ·same failure to ' carry out the sion now is, that they will repeal the tariff promises of the preceding presi- Rose County Local Option Law, .or so dential campaign platform. The fail- modify it as to render it practically ure to revise downward led a number u~eless. If so? it will prove a costly . victory for Oh10. of Republicans to break loose from the --o- - · party and call themselves progressives, I Europe has rio news to offer this or insurgents. President Taft himself month. As a sequ~l :to last mon~h's was not heartily in favor of the Payne base-ball no.te, we 1_nform t~e curious . . that the Philadelphia Amencans won ~ar1ff Law until the - stand-patters the world's championship from the proved to him. tha~ it was the best Chicago Nationals. · . tariff law ever enacted. Tht~ election therefore is a protest against Cannon– ism and Aldrichism. .. . --o-- But these progressives, as a rule, did not vote the Demo~ratic ticket. They merely staid at home; 200,000 of them in Ohio, 150,000 of them in New York. W. Dwight Sterrett, Agt. BRIDGE BARBER SHOP FINE WORK STUDENTS CALL Smith ®. Phillips.
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