The Gavelyte, November 1910
CBOAH. V lLLt COLLfiXiE. lTi PHILADELPHIAN. The first meeting of the Philadelphian society was held October 17th. A large number of visitors were present to see the opening of another year of Ii terary work. The following program was rendered: Declamations, Robert Dean, Cecil Burns, Florence Williamson. Essays, Ila Ramsey, Ream Shroades. Music, Grace Beckley. PffiLOSOPHIC. On account of the evangelistic servic– es which have been going on in our town, conducted by Dr. W. W. Orr, during the last two weeks, no meetings of the society have been held except the opening meeting on the evening of the tenth of October. The program, although unusually short, was enjoyed by a large audience of friends. The program consisted of: Debate, Resolved, that genius de– pends up~m education. Howar? Mc– Gaffick upheld the affirmative and Robt. _ Conley the negative. Declamation, Donna Burns. Piana solo, Lelia Morgan. Essay, Bertha Stormont. Declamation, Earl McClellan. The society did not hold meetings on 1 October 31st and November 6th because Vocal solo, DeWitt Morgan. Declamation, Alberta Creswell. of the evangelistic meetings which were The contestants for the Inter-Society being held by Dr. W. W, Orr. . contest have been elected and are work- The next meeting will be held Nov. ing hard for the night of December 14th. Everyone is cordially invited to ninth. On account of the limited num– -'be present. A special meeting will be her of meetings during the rest of the held on November 21st. A very inter- semester the remaining meetings prom– esting play, entit~ed "His Uncle John", 1 ise to be both lengthy and interesting. will be given. Come and hear it. j Everybody welcome. ·HvP· ESHatsand Men's Wear ·· _1,.; .~pringfield, Ohio. •
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