The Gavelyte, November 1910
CEDA6VILLE COLLF.GE . 179 Attend the first game of the season, given to students in Agriculture. Nov. 18! N. B. -A tennis court was started by Heard at the Club, "Give me the student labor in the fall of 1910. bread-please." , Wages 15c per hr. I T. V. is not at all satisfied with the ' Information desired- A liberal re- way the election went. ward is offered by Misses Ramsey and . Orr to any one who will prove without Prof. Lannmg "We took a sleigh doubt which of the aforesaid two Prof. Allen favored with a wink .during ride one summer eve." I The College Detective ~orce has Plautus recitation. gro~n. Soon an agency will be es- Earl McClellan, disagreeing with a tabhshed. statement made in the Physics class "Wendell must be in earnest. He about the force gained by a certain does not even notice when the head contrivance one part of which was fast light of the on-coming automobile to the earth and the other to an over– illuminates her countenance." hanging beam, said "According to that you would pull the earth up.'' Sam Foswr alias S. Ernest Foster, and Snick, said to Prof. Morgan dur- Jack Nash heard th~t ·Yoho and ing the analytics recitation, "no, Prof. I Howell had changed their rooms . and I understand more about '"affinity" asked Acy Jones where they hved. than "infinity." Acy replied, "Listen, dey don't Jibe no more where dey Jibed before dey - The Algebra recitation had begun, moved away. Dey Jibes way down by Miss Morton opened the door and I de Paper Mill way dis away." breathlessly exc1aimed, ''Say- Prof. - p of Ju k t h · k f . . r . r a as a wea ness or will - you - excuse - me until - I- take cracking so-c 11 d · k D · th th· ff?" a e JO es. urmg e - my- mgs--o · German recitation he cracked one of · Quotati.on from next years catalo~: I the so-called jokes and n.o .laughter " A certain amount of manual labor h , followed. Mr. Yoho not w1shmg thaf furnished each year by the College, I the wit should be lost on his class for the students. Preferences given to mates exclaimed. "Joke Professor!"
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