The Gavelyte, November 1910

1 • : '''l'hi I tlw ·ny llw. do I Prof. hlLVI' • '1111 I I, t t> 11 Ila : "No, , t' H,• lo :1 l .1111 go to PV •1· • ,aH 1• ,11 1 1;•1tTw. I not Rti ·k nyR " ('1•rl :in 1111' h11 thr •r. I 'I lw:, •1y Hlanch • Turnbull i11 g'lling j good e a k ·L Bnll pl·:· Y"". hut th ·y ,m• In lw •· 11 t'.1nd kid " 1 nol hPrC' any mon•. Hucl \"ll\l h 'nrd lf thC' lat•. t "bar T rof. ll<'n MiKH Turnh·1ll, r111m1· fnot clanc, •nlhm1ia!its·. som ugricultural 1• ports. L •h,1 has grown two r thr Hn\',, ou s, •n r sti lts? in h 'S. Di,! Pr f. Lanning dis ov r th burr so thoughtfully plac d on his chair? Mis Turnbull 'otlon, co Boarding How II. As istant, ilub '' !own'' "Mos " nd oaJ· Elwood Mc affick must b watch(.d. He tried Every tud 11 L turn in your locals to put his arm around Aunt Mary the nnd humor. to Editors or locals. other eve. Alberta: " ay, girls, I'm going down t wn to se if I can't get some dates." D n 't forg t the ba ket ball game with th pringfield Cardinal Friday eve the 1 th. .Minnie haw waiting for the bell to rin~- •' ay, ha th whistle blown yet." Josephin (translating Latin) "Fol– low me! That's all the farther I can go.'' , Grace B. - '·'If there's any graft go– ing I'll have my J:!Ollege ,pi(,!ture framed for nothing. • ·J • Prof. Mc h sn y (in Psyc.) "A girl doesn't have to plan for social occa– ·slons. All she has todo is to say "ye " or "no." "How can you tell when you are ly– ing down?" Yoho: ''By the way your ears stand up against your head." McClellan says, "Eat up your supper" when anyone mentions what Fred Clemans saw reeently on his way home. Why s~ flustered, mein freund? We are glad to notice that the dress- Ch'r1·stmas Presents ing room floor of the gym. has lately been covered with carpet. Mr. Marion Buck visited friends in Books, Bibles, Pictures, Bric- Cedarville Friday and Saturday Nov. II a-brae, Fountain Pens llth and 12 th. 1 and Novelties. Why is it that Wilhelmina can't un-' derstand some things. She should call Finest Goods in the Market for explanations. Mr. Markley says the ilir is purest in the morning because there isn't any- ' WESTS' thing going on at night. Xenia, Book Store, Ohio.