The Gavelyte, November 1910

CEIJ.UtVlLL~ COLLEGE. 181 ' "Why does the measuring worm loop I . Prof. Allen (in Latin) - "Just trans- instead of crawling?" late ·that passage--"go to the dickens" DeWitt- "Because it's shy a couple Josephine- "But what if I'm not in pairs of legs." the habit?" In'-Physics class: "When you kick a · Prof. (to student applying for en– door rock why does the snow or mud on trance to college) - Have you been thru your shoes fly off?'' trigonometry? Mac: "So you can. into the house." H. S. Student-Yes, but I went thru in the night and didn't see much ~f the place. Prof. Jurkat in Gennan- Un oeuf (one egg) is as good as a feast. E. Mc.-But one egg isn't enough for me. P. Dix (at Hallowe'en social) I do hate to eat that "squash" pie. Grace B. - Why, Phil? P. p. -It musses up my ears so much. Th~ two weeks of evangelistical serv– ices have been very successful and the students have shown the right spirit in "cutting out" all social stunts, attend– ing the meetings and assisting Dr. Orr in every way possible. Latin Teacher- "What is the mean– Miss Martha Knott recently enter-_ i~()f facilis?" tained a number of students at her Bright Pupil- "Easy" home near Springfield in honor of Mrs. Teacher- "What do we' have derived Florence Russel-Leathurby. from that in the English?" B P - "The 'Faculty " Mr. McGaffick and Miss Creswell, B. · · · A. were in a hurry to take a ride in the ' During the solemn dedication services one horse shay. In fact in such a hur- of the M. E. church, suddenly there ry that they forgot to unhitch old came a crash and all was exc_itement. "Frank." This however soon subsided when it Prof. Allen will probably have serious trouble with his eyes this year as he has already commenced to wink at the girls. Miss Ramsey is the ta .. ::.t present. Myrtle'Weller says that she dreamed on Halloween night while she looked in - the mirror Jack Henderson came up be– hind her. She ssrea!Il~d and Markley appeared, knocked Jack down and gave her a- ! ! ! Pfof. Lanning goes t6-see ?overSun- was discovered that the chair on which Mr. Howell was seated had simply been unable to stand so great pressure .and had suddenly collapsed. "-..Jelect Folks" The best Lecturers Enter– tainers and Musicals for courses ·in · cities or small hamlets. Send for circulars . day, and Monday a. m., all his classes and prices. write out· their.. .lessons. Why ?- Be- I cause he didn't let college work inter- THE COIT LYCEUM BUREAU. fere with -oh well you know what we are referting to--A GIRL: ' .. '·. -~- Citizens Bldg. Cleveland, O.