The Gavelyte, November 1910
+ ,ft <1rocc r , I . H . Nagl y . GL y ROTHE Li v r y n1en , F une ra l Direct or ' Cedarville, Ohio. + Phone~ -H> ttnd 159 Cab Service. ~ -++++++++*++++++++++++++ EVERY SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER has nfti: n heard class-members sa y: '' I cannot understand the Bible." They could not 11 nd.- rs tal'd ,111 y othe r book was pnnted t hree hundred years ago. So man, E11~l i- h wot us c,f that da y we re di fferent. .\l "r" than f,,r t y 11 ew dict ionar ies have been required since then, to keep up ;, ; : ·, lii .. clrn ni;es in th e English language . The An,erican Standard B "f JI. • Edited by th, American Revision Commilln ,,,,..e uses the words of our day, which mak e the mean– ings of the Bible wri ters clear to :us. Write for Our rree Booklet, "How We Got Our American Standard Bible'• No teacher can afford to be without it. Thos. Nelson & Sons, Publ/ahera. £. 18th St., New York Bible publishers for 50 yeara
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