The Gavelyte, November 1912
C F.: JJ .\ l<\' lJ.LE. ~UL LEG~ Athletics ----- The spirit of atheletics i beginning to pi ck up now with Bc1sket Ball as the main subject. \Ve wt-re unable to get enough material for a Foot Ball team but we feel sure of a good strong team in B,isket Ball. The team has had several good practices and the captain states that he is very well pleased with the outlooks. Ear I McClellan was elected captain with Bruce Anderson manager. Mr. Anderson has been able to schedule several good games and has many more in vif w. A trip is trying to be arranged to extend into the north ern part ot the -,tat e ta king in such teams as Troy, Tiffin, German Wallace, Mu kingum and Woos te r. We hope that the team will be able to bring several strong t eams here and a good game will be promised. The girls Basket Ball team is beginning to get into prar:ti ce. The pros– pects are as hright for the girls as it is for the boy~. both having a strong team. Blanch Turnbull, Mgr., reports several good games already scheduled. 'fhey will pla y such team as Muskingum, Ada and Wilmington A t ennis club was organized among the students this fall. Two good courts have been fixed up and repa ired by the coll ege making a nice place for the game. Owing to the weathe r lately not very much playin g has been going on. But tennis will be a great sport when the weather becomes fit for pldying again next spring. Ral ph Ho fmeister was elected treasure r of the club with Laura Wright as presidPnt and Blanch Turnbull as secretary. New n ets and balls have been purchased by the club. Anyone may become a member of the club, whether in college or not, by paying a fee of 50 cents into the trf'a. ury. Alumni Notes. Mr. Andrew Creswell, cla s of 191~, i filling the position of superinten– dent of the High School, of Darlington, Pa. ,\Jr. Arthur Dean, cla. of Hll:t, is attending Miami University at Oxford, thi. winter. J\Iis Florence Willi amson, class of 1911, has returned to Glenwood, Iowa, to her former position of p ri nci pal nf the High School at an increase of salary. Miss Lydia Turnhull, cla 'i of 1911 , i principal of the High School at Pitchin, Ohio. Mr. Edward Shaw, cla~-; of 190H, and Agnes Smith, of Cardington, Ohio, form r professor ot Engli h in the CollPge, were married in September at the bride's home. Mr. Shaw has resumed his studies in the seminary at Pitts– burg.
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