The Gavelyte, November 1912

CEL>,\RV ILLE COLLEGE cracked on the heads of various ones present. Everyone t,,ok them in good spirits and enjoyed everything done . After the minstrel a "Cake Wa lk ' contesr was held. There were five cnuples in the con test. T he winne rs of the large chocolate cake were Cameron Ross and Anna Collins and R ay– mond Williamson and Kathleen Putt. These two couples cake walked to– gether and performed the stunt in a very creditable style . At this time the names of the candidates and their voters were re.,d and eacb heard li is "judgement paper" announced. All the guests were asked to repair to the room of Dr. McChesney be- low, which was very willingly done. They were here served with a two 11 course supper, the first course consisted of Possum (boiled pork) sweet, potatoes, pickle, cranberries, baked beans , rolls and coffee. The second course was composed of wafers and bri ck ice cream An evening of fun w;,.s enjoyed by about a hundred guests composed of pre ent students, former students, alumni, faculty and friends of tbe college. The boys showed the girls that they could get up something worth whi le even if they have not had but a few lessons in "The Domestic Science" de– partment. Thanks must be given to the committee who Iabort'd so industrious– ly to make the evening such a success. "It Will Do." FORMER STUDENT . An author has just mailed his manuscript to a prominent book publisher in New York He sits wondering what the publishers will do with his b-,ok. He asks himself, will it be acceµted or will they return it tu him? Several weeks passed and all this time he has been going about his daily work thinking only ot his book and hoping that they may see fit to publish it. ln the course of a few weeks he receives a letter saying, that the manuscript had been examined and that it would do for publication. You can well imagine with what joy such a message would go to the heart of the authnr. And so to any one ot us. What an inspiraJ:ion it gives to dnyone to be told that his attempt will do. Perhaps we may nut do as well as some one else has done, but if we do our best and put forth our utmost effort to accomplish what ever is set before us, the most encouraging remark will bt>, "It will do" Many a one has been urged on to do more difficult tasks, to overcome greater barriers by being told that what he has done has been alright. We who are young need a great deal of encouragement in this way. We :tart ont with a determination tu overcome evay obstacle in our way, but we soun nnd ourselves too weak for the test s . Then we are prone to give up,