The Gavelyte, November 1912

1111 I I l.111\ ,\ h1.1, e \n11th conld h.111 hcen ,1111•e11 n11r ge111e11t 11,111.1 f11tncl intiml', Hnt till etH 111r,1gl't1ll'nt th.rt 11 h,1! H h,111· r1onc will d,, m,n hf' t 1k1•n m dill •rent ways ln ditlcrcnt pt•or le. )nc \\ h 1 •~ encrgctil' and 1 ,tn\'ing t11 gt"t all h e c,rn out nl' life will"" he tlattered hy smh a ,~mark but hl'111~ ·n ouraged will ndtav,,r tu de, better the ne, t tim . But one whn 1, tr\1ng n get through lite with a. littlt: \\nrk l1fi his p, rt, as p1>. ·ihle may take this n:mark an a far different w,1). I I may think that if ht· h,1.., gvttcn alon~. o well without any e crtion in hi· part he \\ ill d it again an<! perhaps he will not succeed so well. But let u not be guided hy thought :-.uch as the e . If wed our be ·t thi time, we need ha,·e no f ar hut th;.t it will be aid to each one ot u ·, ''It will do'. NESBITT & WEAVER Fall Suits Now Ready BIRTS .. HATS HOSIERY Neckwear. Leather Goods Etc . Come tn and see us 10 Per Cent Discount to Students ain St., Opp . Court House, Xenia , Ohio.