The Gavelyte, November 1912

CED.\R\' lLLE OLLEGE Exchanges. ". o wonder me- darlin' i- cross eyed" Said love-sick Pat to his mother "Fo r both of her eyes are so pretty That each wants to look at the other."-Ex. Se11ior--Its aH over the school . .Fresbie-What is? Seni or-The roof, little one .- Ex. Turn the !:>ook upside down and read what it says. 'J;nrrns mod J::lqlO dW0S q:JlB:J UlD dM OS ll!Bfle )j':JBq ~! U.lnl MON I aw a thing of greenish hue, I thonght it was the grass; And when I closer to it drew, I found it was the Freshman cla s.-Ex. Our exchange column i short. Only a few exchanges have thus far been received. Prof. (to students in History) - "Have you folks any Civi l war relics such as guns, flags etc?" Student-" ! have a union suit.''-College Voice. "There are so many people so busy doing nothing in this world that they have absolutely no time f<>r anyth ing else."-The Booster. C, H. CROUSE DEALER l Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats , Lani Etc. N. Main Street Cedarville, Ohio The Best for Dress or Athletic Wear Frazer's Shoe Store Xenia, Ohio. 13