The Gavelyte, November 1912

CEl).\RVJLLE 'OLLE ~E Bertha A. tn Dr. McKinn ey-" l have my eyes on you." What would be the con equence if it were known b y " the powers that be" that Earl Mc trades hats wi t h th e g irls? Be rtha Anrlerson says she gets up at 4: 30 every morning. She enjoys hear– ing the Birds warble and never fails to respond to the call u( Cream of Wheat. B. A . to Kenn e th before "Coon Hop''-"They're going t o black you to- night." K . P. -"Who is?" B. A .--Oh, somebody? K. P.- Do yrn1 mean my 1,ruther-in-lav. .·· ln going by Finneys on Friday afternoon you will see ancy ~weepi ng the parlor. We wonder who is coming. Dame rumt•r has it that Bertha Anderson '13, will take upon herself the bonds of ma trimony shortly afte r gradua tion. We understand that M1. J. W ayne Markley ex athlet ic director of C. C. is the lucky (or unlu,:ky) ma.n. Prof. McChesney in Psyc to Raymond (Red) W illiamson-"When I look at you I think I se e 'red' !mt I really see 'green' do I not?" l{aymond did not reply . Paul T11rnbull has bane.l ed in liis resignation as Basket Ball manage r for 1912-'Ja. Bruce Anderson bas been elected to fill the place o( Mr. Turnbull. Miss Ruth Edwa rd s has returned to school after a two week's absence on the account of the illness of her brother. It is a . hame the members of the club die! not get to even smell that choco– late cake after getting their mouths watering so for it . .Kaymond Williamson's mother asked -" l wonder what Raymond does in tc>wn so much? He never used to go so often. I wonder i( he is in misch ief? The sl1ort story which appears in this issue was written by a student who is :1ttending this institution at present. The writer did 11ot wi<;h to be troubled with "congratulations" so requested that the name be left off.