The Gavelyte, November 1912
• The Gavelyte VOL. VI I. NOVEMBER, 1912. NO. 8. Value of Right Thinking. Really what a man thinks has a lot to do with what th .:! thinker is. Somt-times we may get to thinking that even though our concl11sions are wrong, although our reasoning may be out of joint and out of time, that it doe not make much difference. But say, it does make a whole lot of dif– ference. lt makes a difference because the man whose reasoning and con– clusion are wrong is on the wrong track and ultimately be becomes the wrong k:ind of a man. A whole lot of merchants have arnved at some concl11sion on some question and they stick to the opinion, but many and many a time they will admit to you that maybe they are wrong, but they go on thinking the same old way. If such a man only knew it, he is wrecking hi .5 future. What a man thinks is one of the most serious things in life . The facts are that thinking is our life. What we think is really us. What we think is a measure of cur bigness or littlenes a a man. It makes a whole lot of difference as to what you think, and wi1ether or not your thinking is right or wrong. The facts are when a man's tho11ght is wrong, when his conclusions are w1ong, he is out of joint with everything and he is cro ing fixed and inevitable laws which are bound to pa s judgment on him and fix a penalty h{" must endure. It make a lot of difference what you think, an-I we (lught to be mighty < areful in arri\' ing at our concluc;ions We ought to pretty nearly know that the line or rea oning we follow and which leads u to the con~lusio , is based 011 sound principles . Just for in. tance, take a town where the bu ine sand professional men ay the town cannot he boo ted; that condition~ there cannot be m.ide any better than they are. Don't you know this kind of reasoning will kill any tuwu'? Mo t small towns have been killed becau,e of this very thrng. They were killed becau e the conclusions arrived at were wrong, and it is thi amf' principle which ha. led us tl,rough all thPse age to say that whenever a 1r1an quits going ahead, he begins tu die. It is thi.., reasoning which s 1ys to a wan that ltc cannot go a11y further, and at on( e starts the process uf de– g1·ner,1t iu11 .
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