The Gavelyte, November 1912

I 111 t II f w,1111.111 • \ I pnz • L', 111.111-likc, H,1111ilt1111 ,11 1 pit> l \\h, lt ti •JI ,,a!. th· in vit,d,le, and , t nt ah,nll hb w,irl-. rt ,i rm•.! t,, 111 l,1tc hut 1 1 h .t he• \''f ht,1rt ,1ud ,l d,11 k lnturc. H tl I •t 11, s ·e Ii,,, l·.l.1· 1, >h •ll he p ,>bl m For d,l •s she thot ,111cl 1)Llndercd, hut not ,1 -.olutiou , "uld :-lie h11d t11 :arl' · my te, ious 111 ss,ig1•, I 1 w.1 u c!t·s: n, w ror her t,> think 11f ta)ing ,II hllme and eilking out the •nd– le .• -. f cm1r.t· she hat! 11ther friLnds but none 0111<1 tak his pl,1 e. From her childhood, Elil:11 h,111 i\ished to he omc a .ettl ·mcnt worker and .e her life in ome w.1 · tnr the good of charit , and this wa her opportunit ·• o oina w her pa t1•r.. he wld her wishes to him and found him much inter– e ted in reporting her name to th mi. inn hnMd and in helping her ohtc1in ,ome tinal training fnr the wo>rk . 1. month· later aw Elten !i,ca ed in a city mis ionary' h« me in .:,.;e"" York City doing w:>rk II\ tile <;reen hun settlement. Her interest in the work may be h wn by her own W< rd · in convention with i\Ir. Sangley, the city mi .. ionary of that partirnlar di trict ··Really, :\Ir. angle), I wi h you could vi it with me ome of the familie. on Long Alley. Hew one wi lw;; to relieve the condition of filth, hunger and distre s tnund there. . nd the) are . u ,rnxious !or me to tell t hem or their chances ft"\rbetter thing . \[y \\Ork -eems o fruitles when there is .o much to do and o few tn d< it. Yet 1 feel fully repaid when I vi. it a fe" home ad and ee the cheer brut to their heart merely by my pre·t'nCe.' Thu we -ee the Yaluahle work Ellen 'cott wa doing for humanity. and the un~elfi h ch racter -he w..i building for her elf in $0 d0ing. In the meantime £arl H ,1miltt•11 \\a plodding on, doing hi. work in a half– hearted ,,ay. taking part in a le.,., ·ocial affair of the world and giving no at- ention to the church a he had heen wont to do. But the unu nal notice of a big missionar) meet·ng to be held in Carnegie Hall, attracted hi attention. It wa. to be a great rally we~k and a number of city mi ssiona ries and cttle– mcnt worker were to relate their e. periences . omething mm·ed Hamilton t11 wander do" n to the meeting one evening where a very intere t talk wa be– ind aivcn by allahan . Th·· wa~ followed by the inging of an old mi sionary hymn, and then , ··The lVl•rk < ( the Grt·en burg ettlement" was announced, to be di. cu sed by the leading worker, Ellen cott. "v onder o[ wonder.' Can it he p, :-. ihle? ,\Iv hea\'en. ! it if she!"' Overcome and dazed, Hamit- on . at during her talk, scarcely reali1ing tht> wnrrl I e wa ~ ying or the power w Lh Y.ltich .he <-pvke. After the Ii e of the :,er. ·ce, Hami1t1Jn waited until the immen e crO\Hl ad .cattere 1, and then worked hi wa~ tuwa rd the front ot the magnih ent .. 11. EI !en :,,rn h ·m .t, he ,· me do ,·n the ai. le. and in the short time it ton\...