The Gavelyte, November 1913

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 11 the girls w re comipclle'Cl to repeat 'i,t 1to s,a,tisy ·bhe audience. In o,rder to arrange ,tJhe guests, •in grou,ps, b'its1,oif ,wood were pa.E'1S100 around, ea.oh one receiv'ing one 'W'i 1 th t1he 1I1a1me of aJU In 1 dl: 1 an t'l"i'be, on it. The tribes wer,e: Ohip,pew.a, Dacota, Ojibway, J,l'oquOlis, 'SiO'llX, Oregon and Okaw. Each 'tri'be rthen ,gave 1an Indian s·bunit, ,t:he re,scues lbein:g many and th'rillin,g. Refrei;llments were ,served ac; follows: Fish Chow-Chow, Buns, Ba.k d Swe,e t Pot:atoes, Parc'hoo Corn Ice C'ream, Lemon1adie, a'biscoes. 'I'he ice cream was f1taimped in ~h,e m.idtd•le wHJh an Indian ,tom,a– bawk wh,ich looked most unique. Ga,mrn bhen played ,and ,tJhe gue, ts and hostess•es all enjoyed thems,e lves ,to bhe ful1 and de,pirurt:ed with the thought of having r;,pent an evening whiCJh was full of fun •and enjoymen•t and the 'bOYiS exrten'<iin,g ,a heanty vO'te of !thanks bo tJhe girls w1ho had so deligMfll'l'ly enitertal'ned them. SOCI ETY NOTES. The Philo Ji,t rary sooieity 1 h1as added tlhe followin,g n,a.mes to its roll: :\Ii sses Ethel B eekman, ELizabEbh ,C,0 1 rnwe'10, Florence Scott, ~1iriam Fudge, Reva Moore, Mildr,ed 'M,e,ndenlhall anid Mr. F'1·ed To1wn,<-– ley. We have now aborut •twen'ty-one mem1be,rs •and ,hiave ve,ry iwteres1t– ing meetings every two weeks,. Al~ V'isiitors are co1r'd'i.al1ly welcome. Tihe C'ri;terilan sociEty ha 1 3' lhel'd thr ee m eetings, wilt1h very interest– irug {)'rogi,ams this year. At ,the nexit meertirug an elE•ctfon o.f new ,offi– cers will b(' rheld. Tlhe mee,ting..s a·re 'h cijd in tJhe ,cJoJ.le,ge c1h1aipel. The meetings of the P1hilioso,ph.'i c s10C'ieity have been very ill'teresit– ing and well aJttendied. The Plh 1 ilosop1hi'c hall wHl ,s,::ion be re-decon·at,ed, \Vlbieih wlill adld greatly 1to tbhe 'S'Urrounidiings. 1 Seve,ral n ew 'lUem'beirs- 1.lave been r eceived in1to 1t'he siocieity. - The following is from the co'llege news >!',ervice of the Irutereol– lPgiate Proh ibition A ,socia tion: "A cont st unique 1n college circles ,i,s1,s10on to occur at" Ga'1eslburg, Ill., w1hen 3 college men and 3 men will compete 'in an oratoriic.•al contes,t. H w1inl be inte,r'ing ,to n•ote wlhet:her tJhe supposed advantage of the coll eg student in all round intformaition and wen– round d dw:elo"I>ment will be s,ufficienit to rwin over ,the slturdy p1·ac– ticality of the city and oounitry m n f~'o,slh from tJhe grind of lii1'e. The contef't, which is arranged joi n 1tly 'by the Illinois Inite•rcollegiiate Phohil>itJ:on Assocaf:Jlon and the J,llinoi , W. 1c. T . ., wm be limited to a di,-,cu ss ion of . ome phase of the liquor proM m."