The Gavelyte, November 1913

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE C. C. BRIEFS. - The meetings in Y. M . C. A. for tihe lasit monith !h 1 ave ,beem. inter– esiting onet3, but the aHend,alltce 'Sieems to have fallen off SJomewh!at. This is s·owetbing in whi'C'l1 we cannot afford to los•e our inter·est, for lack of inte-rest signifies lack of efficien cy. Let u,s see to it that mo,r-e attend and take part in tlhe mootin~. -Perhaps beC'au1se O'f the l·aiten Es·s of mailin·g, we !have only re– c·eived thre~ exchanges this montlh. The Th,e Purple .and Gold is the s,plendidly arranged and prinite<l paiper o,f As•Mand• OoUege, As'hlia:n'<:l, Ohio. The contents are excel'lEnt, e /Pe:ci-ally t.l:le arti-cle on college spirit. The Coo,per Cou r ier 'has ctban•ged from a monthly to a bi– weekly is:,,ue .:n the form of a coHege newspap2r. We hope this mew 1'€,gime will prove siucos,siful. We ,also received "T 1 he OoUe•g Voice" from ·west Lafayette in w'hiah i·s an armicle O'Il "Conflict of Opi nfon" well worth rea,d,ing. -The 105tlh year of the R. P . 'Semin•airy Tecen,tly mo,yed from Plh'i1- adelphia, Pa., to Cedarville, opened on Tueis!day, Oct.o:be·r 28, in the presence of faculty, stu,ci<ents ,and :friendl'. The s· eim1na.ry was esta'b– lished in 1808 in Pihiladelp1hia and ,has been t!h·ere until tlhis year except a ehort time 1 in ew Yo•rk Ci•ty. By the acti,on of Gen·eor•a!l SY1nod it 1 he 1 s 1 emina:ry WfuS moved to t'hris place to be operated in connection W'ibh tJhe college. Tihe endo·wme·nt is $60,000, making that. of the two institutions to,tal $140,000. DPan '\lcKinney opened the s,eissfotn with p,rrayer and an address Does It OSTERLY Cover Its Field? MILLINERY 15 27 Green St., Xenia, Ohio 4 OUT OF EVERY ew "'inter mud els for women and Lrn1ilic:: 111 Creene ou11ty are paid sub- The <Jtll- children in attra tive de igns embracing uib I h)the .· eui,tCa1ette . guod features of latter day creations er u11 h 111 either ( ,111't read or can't af· 1d ll. ' e liopc:: you don't l,e !,mg to this l,tt· t,.., la . \\ 1thout bold extremes. Our prices are extrem11ly mod, erate.