The Gavelyte, November 1913
CEDARVli1. 17 A ATTA Xenia's Best Eat ing Place Special T r,1de Catered tu Cul e. e - tuckuts .·1::.. IA, OHIO ----------::!l:ID 1he Jiuµ owned by l\lr. Carey l1,1s changed hands a11d ;.lr '.\lcC1 y i~ manager. The Hew man ,ger w :\Jc· t he p,itrullageuf hi. friend . . I '>-,:! Rainy day entertainment When a rainy day comes along and the children are · "housed up", they won't mind staying indoors if there's a Victor-Victrola to help pass the time. Instructive as well as enter– taining-an instrument that should be in every home, es– pecially where there are chil– dren. And it's so easy to own a ictor– Vi ct rola-$15 to $200, and we'll ar- "ngeterms to suit, .i de~ired. • .n1 ure eni .. 'S tore Ohio
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