The Gavelyte, November 1913

C DARVILLE COLLEGE 19 A ,is quare Deal'' COTREL & LE Q NARD for everybody is the "Spalding ALBANY, N. Y. MAKERS OF CAPS and GOWNS To the American Colleges from the Atlantic to the Pacific Class Contracts a Specialty. LANE T EOLOGICAL EMINARY <'I c I 'l I, ()]((() ight '-second Year. Alliance with th Uni ersity, of Cin- innat1 for advance degrees. Addre s l r sid 11t WILLIA 1 1 M KIBBIN . Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trademark that such article will give satisfaction and a reason::1.ble amount of service. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 119 East Fifth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. IMoser's Shoe Store XENIA, OHIO I. l ' p-to date ft>utwear of all kind . . Give us a trial and gets tli,;f -i.• t iun in font fitting and wear. - - MO LR'S oe tore E IA, OHIO