The Gavelyte, November 1913
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 3 Echoes Fro·1n the Heartl1stone By Lydia Manifold '16 . "Come, gr,anlcl,mryt:he,r, it is •time for thy 1s1to,ry 0 te1LHng." At o,nce the-re was gen•e1·al corufuP'i. 1 on ,as .t,be '\Vdn,sliow's ol'di 1 arnd Y,01I1 1 g g,a1tlheired abouit t:b.-e li't'tle g'rand:motfl:wr s•ea'te d on a l•O'W •s,e<t,tle at tlhe ,side oil' the fire pl,ace. I't was, T'b,arulmgiving Day, ,and l!ike ,iJheCr Pil1grim fiaitlhers, the W1in– ,s:I,o,ws ,always look€d :forward •to t ih is seia· ,o,n w·h6'11 it:11ey woukli g·aA:lheir grain, fill their store:h·ouse and s et a,s'iide a d•ay up,on w'hich tlhey m'iglht •tJh•ank tJhe1-r M<ake,r fo·r Hi-s bles1surug ,and ca~"'e. Upion tiJ:l1s o,c,cas– i,on ·t:Jhey were ,truly tit,raruk'ful, rfor n 101t onay 1ha,d 1 t<heir cr10,ps been bol\ln– te,orus, 'but a n e:w ,ca/b:in 'hlald. be-en built and aJ·s,o IIJ1l!ey 1hrad 'haJd, burt [ttrtJ.e tl'ouib1'e wli t'h ,tJhe Ind1iarus. 1 St0 we find t'h€m after •a day o,f feas,tinig tand rej,oking, ga!tlhered a'boiut tlhe ·lJU'rruing lo,g.s, ,awra,i,ting 1 t 1 he la-sit ·p,~easure of tlhe· day~gran 1d· mo1t'he1r's r-• to·ry o,f t:he firn,t T'h1anks 1 g:iv'i.rng an'd 't:h·e y,e,a,r ·rihat rpre·cedeld it. lit was an ol d sit )ry, even Httl De,si,re sr'tt<in•g on the s<tool rut !h.ffi· grandimother· ~ knees couJ.d 1 haYe r erpeated i-t, for Grandrn•obher Win– slow \had told i,t every T 1 h•ank:Js,g1iv·inig fr 1orn 'tthe tl::me Dec•ire's f,a,tJh0r was old en•oug,h to li'st 1 en. "Nay, N,ay, l1aid:s ," slhe p,aid, 1 a,s 1 'her two ,grand·so,n·s, Miles •ail'd 'iiViil– iiam, se,a,t i:::,ci t'hem,s:e<Ive,s ,o,n 1 tlhe sert>tle, "T:o,o oiften now tlwu •hast !he.ard the s,Lm·y. T•hy fatJher, bh·e ·ca•ptaiin, can teU :the,e. o,f srtoriers. "But t'h,e l'ad~ ins<irs,ted, ,fo r no Oil'e, nto<t evEn t 1hei,r f,a.tJhrecr ,as 1tJhey, tho,ught, could te.Jl a slt'O'ry equa<l to thi•s 'One •of gr1anrd,mot'hE 1 r',s. So a,t liaist Dame Win..– sl,ow con•sen'terd. All was qulle<t for ,awhlile; on'ly tJhe criacMing oif the fire could 1 tie lhea:rd -as the 1Sip 1airlrn we,rnt 'dancing up :tJhe Clhirnney. "Lads and la:.sis<iies," sihe be-gan. "Tlh-0<u ·rememibere•st well th·e stocy of t'.b.e good s'hip, M,ayfil·oweir. T 1 hy ,grandmoit•her was 1but ,a las,s oif fllix-teen when i,t cr,01s.sed <the r•ough ·and s,Lormy s 1 e 1 a. A!t :t'ime,s I ilfuoug,hlt our little -,·b1p would -sink. I itell thee, my chi1idren, El-der Bruce ain 1 d Oapitiain Stand,isih 1and a!Jil :tlh•an•keid tJhe g,ood Locrd when tJhe Plymouth sihore firs,t rea10hed. Theire the vait:JheT•s, witlh tJheir ,go,od wives and But •a long, I,o,n,g time pasised e 1 re t'he,s,e liittJie ,caJbiI1Js l'i:ned the sihoire,. faimilies Wfcnt into bhe, re,sits and be•gan bo cwt :th•e lo,gs for cabiinis,. Nay, children, mot 1 be,f,o,re many ih.,a 1 d pru:;Pred to ·tfute'ir ,J,asit home. Tth·e winteT was, coM, ·Loo, and rood· was s 1 cirurce. Ay, lade, one day a tall red man app,roaohed our iflatlhers as they we,re 'ho-ld ing a c·ounc1l. G•reat was the sru:r,prise of ,tJhe Pilgrims when bP s 1 aid, "IVelcome." Yea, Jlaids, it was ·t;he lndiwn, 1S:aimtose1t, w'ho stood before t 1 he,m and wh·o a'fterw,aird,s 1 b,waime tJh-e friend of the wihite man. Laf'FH' S, you rernem 1 ber the story of Samoset. He was taken to Eng-
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