The Gavelyte, November 1913
~eifore us. difficulty. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 5 Mary and ,t1by gm.ndmo,tJhe,r urud1e•rs1bo•old t!he maiden w1i,tJh S'he t'O'M.1 us Eih•e •was oif tJh~, t 1ribe ,oif 1S1a·mo 1s,et iantd we in turn told her of w,hat ,we were t 1hiin(luin1g,-t!h1a1t T'hankJS1givi:,n,g Dacy was ne•ar at hand and tJhe Pi1gPim la:sses• we,re un1a1ble, 'tio d•evise 1a'Ily pl1ain for th·eir p•a•rt of t:he fes1tiv,itJies.-t,o wlhli:oh sihe an:s1w,er•ed: "T'he pal,e· face girl1s, must co,me to g,reat ,clb;ie,f'E, tepe•e 1aind 01ld squaw ,s1how w'h'ite girl 1I,ow bake fis,b." We thiarulH,d her ki1Ilidly 1ar.d pr,omised to come th-e next day ii Captain Sitan'dii•sh w-01\llid a['low. T1he ·capt,alin ,g,av,e /h'is con– sent and, tihe next dla,y a'111 the Bilgri1m 1m 1a1id:ens· ·we•n1t to· 1S1ll!moset's vil– lage w,itJh 'him. Nay, rnay,, la,S1S~es, we, d·i,d rnoit ,g·o 1w'ithout IDMer Brew– t 0,e•r. SinJ.g'-a-po,a!b, fo,r tJhlis wa,s· the ma: d•:n's na1me, ,sho1wed thy g,rand– rno,tJhier 'anci 'her co,m1parui'oo,s !how to ,cook fish mo.sit 'd,e1l1i1C'i•O'usly by 'biaik– foJg tJh€m m 1:Jhe ashes,. Only a fe,w d,ays and t'he d,ay for tJhe g1re!a!t f·ea,st was, at hand. Rude truble.s we•re• p~1ruceid· u1p,on, a bi:1;11 n E1ar tihe c,huirc1h. B e,fo,re dawn t'he Piilg,riLms were coming wii'tJh tJhei~ •baisikets, f ,illed 1 to, aver– fl owing w'itih 1gooo thoin:gs to eat ; 1filLen 1:Jh:e Irnd1i!anis oame with wti.Qd turkey•s ,and d,e,er, and g,o!Ud,en ,m~ze 1 aind ,o:ther .fruits, ib.,a•rvested· from th,e fieJ,cts;, Y·e,s, laict,s, :t'he,y h1ad· the 1ir p·eaice •p,irpes·, toro. Tbe Pilgri,m m1a.1d·en•s purt t!hefir fi ',slh to r:oas1t an·d helped the ,good dames of the v ill,a1ge ,ca,rTy the ,grie;ait 'bO'wls 1anid Jb,a"1kets, 01f food tJhey 'had prepa:red, to t!he ch,ur•ch. W1hen 1a1ll w1a:s in reald1inEs1S they went in,sdd,e to ask God's 1Mes1s1in,g ,a.ndl g:ive 'Hi1m 1tJlm:ruks. The, Irud 1 i,ans– ed albiout o•n t!he flo,or ,a:t tJhds· itim,e 1amict wihi!lie iCia,ptain St:Jaindli:slh, gav 1 t,:. a ihiis1to,ry of the PH,g.rliims and1 ,()If tlheli·r I,iives while in 'the· 0 1l 1 d courutry they "1at v·ery quietQy SrmJOik 1ing tJheir peaice pilp•es. .Miter •aw'Mle itJh•e mE•etinig cios1E d a.n 1d tJhe oomJpany wEnit out to 'tlhe ,fe,as,t. Miles, do, I hear th€'e as•k w1hen t 'h.ey 1 ait.e it1he 'fi,s1h,? T'hia.t 'i•si tlhe• cI,osin,g pa,r,t o,f t'hy gr.andlmotJhcT's, s:tO'I'y. Wlbien ·Sinlg-a-p,a,a'h an1d Mary 'Min:to,n went to fEitoh the fa;'h tJhey CJamre fbruck em1pity-ha.nd1Ed a,nd. aJIDlos,t too, frighit 1en– ed tJo E1pe1ak. The fi "ih rwelJ:'e 1g,0TI1ei! No •O'Ile Eve,r seemed to krn()IW w'halt bea1mie 0 1f t J">.•em. IS1rumo s~t ,s1ruird: ·tJh e s.plirl:1t•s110,f ,tJhe fi.s.h 1h1ad r eturned rand iJ.a'd taken the fislb. 'hack ,to l~·ve 1in t'he sEa. But :thy g,randimother s1Ln.– oerely belit.ves tb·a t some Indian •brave loafirng rubout ca rreid ,theim from the as1he". No 1w, my 0hild1ren, the s,to,ry i •s ,to•lld. Let m ,e ,hear you :reperut t'he liittJle verse we WI'Ote las,t Tll:11anks1gLvinig." Anid whHe tiheir mother w,a.s, Hg1hJU,n.1g 1:Jhe c,a:rud.Ie tt!hey r eipea:ted: "Our Bil:grim •fiatJhen~ one ,coM No,vemiber dlay, Lan•d•ed on the s1h0Tes1 olf BI,ymiout'h bay,. H oimeless an'd •for,ienldless they 1S 1 eit aJbou!t. To prepa,re fo,r win<ter's 00M, w,i,t'hou't Any hi:lp s1ave the hatc'bets they ,brot; Their homes they buih ,of woo'd ,and ·b,a:rk; And ,all tlhe'ir ,fo.od wiais the fiislh. t'hey c1aug.h1t. But in 1:Jh0' sp,r i,ng t 'h,e ·soiQ it:Jhey did. tlill And pll,anited 1a, ifis1h dn, ,ry hiU. Then dn tlbe ifaUI t/h,e1i,r 1c,J'lo1p s tJhey d~ld gather, And ,they and tJheir red f.I'liends m€1t together, So tlbere w 1af'I helrd tJbe fiirs,t Thia,nik•srgivi,ng."
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