The Gavelyte, November 1913
CEDARVILLE OLLEC 7 certainly fe I that we are enj,oy,ing a privil ge which others do not have. ~or ~my advance, wihetJher 'Pihysical, m 1enitJa:l 01· s·pfr,itual during the yea·r, , e sli1ou1d priai c-e God. For it is froim Him t'hat our gilf,ts and capaoity for iID1p'l·,ove,me,n1t come. We s1houJJd be ,t1hankful a's students for the degree of healt'h wlh,ich we enj,oy, perrnitJting us to carry ,on our work, uninterrupted. Fo,r mental growth and devel'Op– mernt and 1 he increasing use of our powers a,s we l earn 'how to control th m, no one could but be greatful. Then th piritua,J benefits. which we /have received all po,int rto a truer, hig'her and nob! r p1an o.f living. I have only briefly outlined a few of tihe many bles""ungs whic'h w ,.iave recei.; d during the past y,ea r. Let us s,how our gratitude by thanking God for th em and by pass'ing them on to ollhers in acts of kindne s ·and ch er. THE NEW BUSINESS MANAGER. The Gravelyte ann,ounceis to its r aders ,tJhe e,Jection of a new busine s manager , ~r. R. Bruce Ander ,on ML Arn d 1e,rs on •was ele t– ed to take the place of M1·. Paul B. Turnbull, w 1ho , r esi,gn d 'his office on ac<·ount of a lack of time for performing the duties of a manager. '~fr. Anderson h,a•s a s,plerndid record as manage~· of 'lasit year's ba<·,ke•tball team and we fe!E.l ,suPe that he wm make goo·d 1in itJhe ta,sk wrhich he has undertaken. We hiope t hat studeD'ts 1and advertisers \vill glive bim their h 1Eiaritiest supp'Ort in p,urtting ouit a pa1pe,r worthy of the name an'Cl fame of C'edarvi!,le College. It wa r eently moved and se,cond d t •hiat a co,mmitte,e 1be ruppoint- d to find some new eollege ye]lls and , ,ongs for ,t1bis y,ear. We hope this cornm1tt e will do its bes,t and thus we wilil ,ente,r the lbasketball s,eason wi tb a 1bur,st of enitlhusia,,rn aJs was, never !before seen at Cedarvill~. WP wii;h to call further attention to t1he fact that the box in the hall i for the us of the students. L t us ihiave i1t liteTrully fiJ,J d wlith good things fol' the D c -1m ber n 1 um1b r. Are you in favor of the Thanki::~iving ,f,ootJball game If so, why? Patronize our adv rtises. They ar worit:Jh,y of your trade and ad rs in their Jin s.
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