The Gavelyte, November 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 9 kill in a given time. So it should lbe with every student. He s hould make his college training thorough-not using "short cu::s" and "la'bor-save:·;,," uol working for grade . The man who is thoro11gh in his college work aot only has a superiior ed,ucation, but has formc•d a va!luwble ha1bit. It is he who afterwards achieves real success to the greatest degTee in the shortest time. 1 8'peed is truly o'btained th9n and he is the winner of his own efforts. Pay your subscription at on,ce. \'i'E ~El~D THE }TO~EY ! "Judge me, God off my salvation, !Plead my cau f: e for thee I 7ru . t: Hear my earmst suipplicabion, Save me from my foes unj·1st. "On thy strength alone relying, Why am •I ,cast off 1by thee, In my helpless sorrow sighing, Whine the foe oppr esses m e. "At Thy sacred alter •bending, God, my God, my •boundless joy, Harp and voice :n worship 1 bentding, For my praise I will empfoy. "O my soul, why art thou griev n!?,', What disquiets and dismays? HO'pe in God, His help rBc ,ivbg·, I shall yet my Sa viot:r praise.' - ·PS. 43. It is not the writer's intention to preach a sermon from t h ese verses, altho many sermons are contained 1in them, but, all jokes aside, ho.w appropriate they were as we sang them the morning after Blection. Ve had all •been doing everything we could to 1put Oh io dry and we were all living •in such hope that it would go dry, that when word came "\Vednes'day morning we felt alma t like crying out with the P ~almist, "'i".',by am I cast off ov Thee?" lt seemed almost as if we had been for s aken and om· efforts had been but mockery. However, when Professor McChesney read the 93rd P alm we w re assured that God still reigns and in spite o( our appar nt def at and the unsettled condition or tbe world at large we can stiil trnst in Him who is a,l.Jl to make the wrath of man to prais Uim. It is a wonder– ful that, and in, t ad of "lying on our oars," our defeat should spur us on 1.o greater ffort and the· victory will at la,s t be ours. Prof... i-;bOI' \\'iJilwrt Renwi<'lc Mc·C'h s11< y was riorn in Lawr nee <·ouu "· Pa ., .July 7, 1871. HP ol.Jtained 11 · p1 inrnrr l dncation in the