The Gavelyte, November 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 11 rent topics, and be ready to express ourselves intelligently at a mom ent's notic,~. T·he Philo girls say they believe in pers,ona! '1i1berty an1rl are entitled to laugh as much as they pleaEe, 1but the chairman of the 8oc:ety la,:;t Tuesday evEn(ng, took a different view and fined the girls fve c nts rncb; also letting them know that the next time he would. douLle the dose. Girls, 'be carefu[, for H he doubles the dose many times you might go 1br-oke. The following prngram was given by the PhHo Society, Tuesday even:n:, November 3, at the Philo Hall: Blanche Bumgardner, essay ; David Bradfute, declamation; Dorothy •Collins, essay; Roger ICo llins, essay. Debate: Resolved, That All Wishing to Vote for ,Prohibitio n S'houM V,)te for Winis Rather Than Garfield. Affirmative, Mary Bird and IHelEn Oglesbrn; negative, W. Emery Hoskinson and Cameron l\(cClure. David Doherty, oration; Milclred Mendenhall, essay; Clyde 'Shiplet, declamation; 'Wendell Duff, essay. As a whole, the programme was very good, and in the future we hope that the good work will 'b~ continued. Immediately after the programme the election of officers took place. The following oflk€rs were elected: PrN.1'.dent, noscoe McCorke'll; vice-,presi'd·ent, C. P. Ritch:e; sec r etary, 1Clyde Shiplet; a"Eistant sE.cretary, Mildred !Men– denhall; chap!ain, Rolbert Hutchinson; sergeant-at-arms, Emery Hoi:k– in on. These officers will be installed at the next meeti ng on No– vem1ber 16. E X C H A N G E S. (Notice-The exchanges may be found ;n the Ubrarv on the last •a•b'e in the north room. Plea""e leave all p.1rrrs on t~ble.--Editor. The fol:owing have b en received and can 1be foun,j among our rxr-rar~es: The Otterbein Aegis, The Bla,:k and 'Magenta, The W•il– min"'tonian, The Cooper Courier, The Argn,3, 'The Collegian, The Iris. • i W ONES ON THE "l•'ORD." There was on old geezer and be had a wooden leg, A rl<de be couldn't steal and a ride l!e couldn't beg, So he took four spools and an old ,.Ml hod. And he made a little Ford and it •·un, by Georg"! -Ex. Two schoolmates ~et after a numbe: cif years. After xchang– in · reetin e-s and confidences, one remarked to the other: ''By the way, wh t are you doing for a living?" Tl!e other r e1plied: " I am sell– I Fords--lrnt don't tell the dear old folics r.t home. lt woul'd, break th( ir heartJ They think I aim still in tb pc.11itentiary." -Ex. A J"ttle gas, a little 0·1, a little wire they call a coil; a piece of tin, a tw Jve-foot board nailed together itlJl-es a I•ord. -Ex.
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