The Gavelyte, November 1914

12 Tl IE CAY LYT · Alumni Notes. ,September 26 Prof. and Mrs. R .A. Lanning, '12, sailed from Sau Franci co for hina to work as missionaries under the Pres1byterian Board in that country. Prof. Lanning had ,been at the head of our cience Department for four years and the students and alumni had learned to 1 love and r esp ect him and hiis work in the college. 'Mrs. Lanning will be 'bet ter known to many of the Alumni as Miss Wil– helmina M1tray, of London, 0 . Throughout her college life in Cedar– ville she was identified very largely with the Y. iW.1C. A. work and the announcement of her oeci:sion to become a missionary came as no great sU1,pl"ise to her friends, especially to those who knew her lbesl. Mrs. Lann,ng is the fourth graduate of Cedarville Col.1lege in the For– eign Field. Rev. Garbold, '91, Kio to, Ja,pan; Miss Alfaretta Hammond, '03, IFaiyum, Egypt, and ReY. Yaide, '09, Roorkee, India, have 'been in their respective stations for some Hme and are very eff1iicient workers. The bes t wishes of a host of college fi,iends and Alumni go with Mr. and 'l\Irs . Lanning to their h ome in 1China. !\Ve ho·pe to have a letter from them in a few weeks, whic'h our Gavelyte readern will be very glad to read. Rev. David Brigham. ·10, and :.\Jiss Gertrude Chase, of Chicago, were marned 1Se1Ptember 2. R v. Brigham is the pastor of a Presby– terian conr;regation in Seneca, Ill., and they will make their home in that city. Congratu1ations ! At the home of the br: 1 Je's parent , in Cedarville, Mr. Earl i.\l'c– Clellan, '13, and :.\1iss :.\Jary Hastings, · '14, were married Octo'ber 2D in the pres<nee of about sevf:! nty-five friends and relatives. The pret– ty ceremony was pecf0rmed by the 'bride·s pastor, Rev. J. 'S. E. Mc– Michael, in front of ,~ bower of autum leaves arranged in the parlor. Later in tLe week Mr and :.\Jrs. 'M C1cl'.an left for Washington and other point:;, of interes t in the East. A 1 bout the middle of Novembe.– they will 1be at home to their friends on a large farm near Xenia, 0. And again we say, "Congratu!J.ations !" Miss :.\1 ary Ervin. '0·2, was busy traveling throughout the state for several weeks prior to ~ oYember 3, s1peaking in the ·interest of th~ tem<per ance campaign ir. Oh:o. Ste bas charge of the Young Peo1ple's Branch of the \\r. C. T . 1;. in Ohio and i carrying on the work very a'bly. 'Miss Vera Andrew, '03, is attending Columbia University, N. Y. ,M'l;. 1carl llvlarshall, 'O'i, was again elected cler!k of the -common pleas court Novemb(~r 3. And still one more wEclding, and it should have 1 been recorded 1n the October issue, too. It is that of :.\liss )fartha Knott, '09, and Dr. Leo A"P-derson. Cedanille, which took place at the bride's home,