The Gavelyte, November 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 13 near Sipringfield, July~·. 1914. Only relatives and a fe,w friends witness– ed the ce~·emony, periormed hy the 1 bri'de's •pastor, Dr. Foster, 'before an altar of wild ro,e"> arranged on th2 lawn. Afte1~ the four-course dinner was served, the bride and groom received congratulations. Later in t'l.Je evening Dr. and Mrs. Anderson came to thefr home in Ce,farville, whkh had been cozily furnished fer their occupancy. Con– gratulations! l:i\1r s. Florence Russel Leather'by, 'O , of Cincinnati, was the guest of Mrs. Leo Anderson, '09, the latter part of October. 'Rev. and 'Mrs. ErnESt McClellan, '09, Moundsv'.'lle, ·w. Va., were guests in Cedarville to attend the McCl ellan-Hastings wedding, Octo- 1ber 20. Rev. !M1ciClellan occupied the R. P. pulpit Octo'ber 25. Mr. Fred 'Bird, '10 ;is the very successful princiipal of the Jame.s– town high school this year. Mr . Howard Havbison, '10, and his mother hav e moved to their farm, near Cedarville. Mr. Andrew Cres,wel1, Pitt,lburg, came home to exercise his right of franchise. He filled the R. P. pulpit, Cedarville, i\'"ovemlber 1. 'Mr. Frank IOreswell, '10, is spending two weeks in !Hale 'Center, Texas, lool.:in•g after bus':ness interests. Prof. Frank Reynolds, '11, who was formerly sll'pefintendent of publk schools, Cedarville, has beEn ele cted to the position of county sll'per intEndent at a 1,alary of $2000. He and h is family have moved to Xenia. No. doubt every Alumnus would Hke to see this deipartment more intuesting. We take this for granted and arknowledge that it might be and ought to be. Let's have notes from several of the Alumni, es– pedially from those 3:t a tl,istance, that we may publish from time to time. We are interested in you and in your work, but we might 'be more interested if we know more a/bout you and your vrnrk. v\ 7 hose article will ap,pear in the December issue of Our College Pa·per, The Gavelyte? PHI LO SOPHIC LITERARY SOCIETY. The Philosophic Literary ,society held it~ fir s t meetin°· or lhe year on Monday vening, October 19, 1914. J\l..111.r new studentR and vi s itors were -present and a ve1 y interesting progl·am was rend ered. Fo'llow– ing the program a v ry amusing initiation of the new memibers took place. It consisted of a t r-s t of thellr eating a 1bility, as they faced the au'dience, i:ind each humbly and •bashfully ,li', posed of his bowl of bread and milk, which was pres nted to him by the pr siclent. Light refrec;h– rnents were then served to all and a so,·ial time Enjoyed. On th ·· following l\loncla:; night the ,:f>(·o nd mee ting or the year waR held. The evening was hailed by th firsl snow or the season. Several of the members were abs nt, lrnl in s pite or the fact n plea'-' ing pro-gram was rendered.
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