The Gavelyte, November 1914

14 rt II~ CA ELYTE CEDARVILLE COLL EGE MINSTREL BOYS. T'he ' darville Coll ge Minstr 1 Boys, a band of sing rs, composed mostly of oll g stucl nts and alumni, lecl by Prof ssor G. I<'. Si0gler, are doing spl ndid work this fall in the , ,tate-Wide Prohibition ,cam– paign. The personnel is ai; follows: Roscoe McCork 11, Camoren Ross, Dwight Ste,rrett, Hugh Turnbull, Bu•rton •McElwaine all'd Fred M,ar shall. Accompanied by S. C'. Wrig'bt, Financial Secretary of t h e College, who makes a fifteen or twenty-minute talk in favor of State– Wiide 1 Prohi'bition, the boys have visited Osborn, Fairfield and Yellow S'Prings and are dated at several points in the county for the re– mainder of the campaign. THE TI GHT SK IRT. You've a very narrow skirt, Little girl; Are you sure it doesn't hurt, Little girl? That·s a mincing little stride,. 1Vbere the street is wild and wide– Are you sure there·s room inside. Little girl? ·what will happ-e-n if you slip, Little girl? Aren't you fearful it will rip, Little girl? You would bettn take a eack, So if anything should crack, It would serve you coming back , Little girl. Does YQUr rnamma know you're out, Little girl? We're afraid to go about Little girl. If we meet you in the sun With your skirt so th inly spµ n , v""'i hy we might a ll 'have to run, Little girl. Let the bottom out a bit Little girl; It is m nch too tight a fit, Little girl. As the matter sadly stands, Y.ou' ll be walking on your hands, And in that event-:VIy land! Little girl. -BLA•CK AN'D 1 MAGENTA.