The Gavelyte, November 1914

2 TI IE C ,I\ VELYT£ BUY YOUR FURNITURE IN XENIA AT ADAIR 'S. We Hre uble h• e ll 2o pP.r ·en t lowe1· tlia,n t11e city store. , be– cau e on r rPn t and other ex– pPnses are so much l e'3 . XENIA, OHIO. O ur Motol' '!'ruck will delivf'f your goods the same day purclHI. eel. ...... ________________________ The N agley Studio Pict ure Framing Kodaks and Photo Supplies Cedarville, Ohio. Richards Drug Store The Students' Store Offers Special Prices to Students on Musical Instruments During the Holiday eason. Many othe r use ful and attractive gifts for y_our sister or th e other fellow's siste r. you r brother or the other girl's brother, father, mothe r and the little ones too. Don't forget us . RICHARDS DRUG STORE "The Best is None too Good for the Sick" Phone 203 Cedarville, Ohio.