The Gavelyte, November 1914
The G·avelyte VOL. IX NOVEMBER, 1914 NO. 2 The Hallowe'en Social. It fell to the lot of the boy,s to provide for the annual Hallowe'en doin's, this year. And , needless to say, the boys provided an a•bund– anc·e. Chicken and orange-ade galore, with all the other trimmin'·s in between. The only way one could express his feeltings after the sup– per was over was to say, "!Chicken, come back some other day." But tallk a,bout good chicken, why even Prof. McChesney and S. C. Wright had ni:ne pieces each, and space will uot 1permit us to say how much Prof. Allen took home. Invitations were r eceive 1 d hy the fairer sex, reading thus: "Moon– light Surpper. October 30, 1914. Meet at Bird's Residen ce. All must mask." The weather not permitting the party to be held outside a.3 p'.ann d, the gymnasium was used. It was decoratEd in such a man– ner as would represent a cor nfie1ld with the full moon hanging over– head. It might well be said that the decorations were so Iiifelike that one of the girls woul!d not believe it when told t h at sh e was in the •·gym." The first part of the evening was passed in tryin,g to locate yo1! r f1 iends. Several good s1pecies of animals ,were represented. T he mas1k– ed assembly was then a i::ked to seat themselves down and t h e "eats" w re shoved at them. They w re evidently very hungry, for only a few momenti,: were requi r ed till everyone was opening and closing their mouU s and not a word was being said. After all had reached th limits of th ir e:apacities for "eats," a few amu ements were intro– duc,..d. A "straw" votP was taken on the next governor, and even in spite of fJrof. Allen's stump s,p ech for the 1Socialist 'Party, 'Willis l d out w .th an overwhelming majority. It is true. no •doubt, that the r sull or this eleetlon won for '.Villis the governorship of Ohio. A ··vopularity" <·ont st was held, most popular ones for several t!J!111'!,8 lJ iug vot('U upon. The result of thb C'Ontest will lJe giv n her 101 futuI'P 1 eference of our 1·ea<ll'l'S. 0. l. I lallowe'pn nilP !
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