The Gavelyte, November 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 5 Cedarville College is distinctly a Christian college. Its right to exist is based upon that fact. If it surviv s, if it grows, if it fulfill;,; its mission, it must 1 be supported by Christi&.p neople. An investment of a few r..undred dollars in the endowment fund of edarvrne College is better than the investment of the same amount in land, ,becaur:e in the forme~· case the money will be on the jorb doing business for the Lord many, many years after the donor has gone to his re,ward, a1ld in the latter case at best it is only ephemeral. The Life Anuity Bond is a form of inve!" tment that appeals to– ttose who w1ish t:o see their money devot<:-d to some hi 0 ·h u>=e after they are gone, but who must have a fixe·l and certa in income while living. It is an insurance policy ·'turne l round." In life insurance you pay many small amonnts, and at de . your heirs get a large amount. The Life Annuity Bond provide" that you pay one large amount anr! receive wh:le living many small amounts annually until death. Money given to Cedarville C'olleg·e is carefully invested and it becomes a part of the permanent ,funds of the endowment. T'he buyer of a Life Annuity Bond is paid a regular stipulated income during life. \Vhen the annuitant diec:, the <:nterest on the fund is devoted penpet– ually to th cause of Christian education. Your co-operation in placing Cedanm° C'.lllo~e on a rnlicl financial baEis is earnEstly desired. For further informat.- on a 1 Jdrcss S. C'. \\ rigt· t. Financial Secretary, (' darville, Ohio. WHAT WE THINK. A little four-pag fold r entitled "Fact -: About C'edanille College·· has just ci::me from the press. It is remarkable bo,w much can be said four our own institution. Send for a·copy and get some "talking points,'' and thPn "talk up" your school. \\'hat is nPedecl more than anything else, perhaps, is an activ aeC>nt in < very student, alumnus, and friend of the college to boom and b<>05t · ll tie time. There are such, and their effort are counting. 1.o0. A fP\ · more shoulders to the wheel ar.d a<'tual wonders will bc 0 aeeomplishcd. I a t l\1rirnh an employment bureau to nssist alumni and students !n U1Pir r,f ·ort · to sN·urP posiUons was 01· · . .rnnized. Through this bu– reau < V<'t'V rnembC>r of the graduating f'las1-; who wislw'<l a position w'l..; offc r<'d one and s veral were offPrecl a numl'Pr of good positions. :"\o all a<·c·r pt• d, sinc·e somP WPre ofl'Precl mo•·, dH:ra!Jle positions. But c H 1 011<' l,acl a. J>lac· dPfinitely sef'urecl I Pfore the> micld!C' or June, ,, 11 o,ct Ill vc, bc>forc:\ parall<>l<'cl in thP hi.'t'll ,. nr thP <'oll"P.;P, and 'donl.Jt– h ss not <•<1uall<•d b)' any other institution in t lw c·onnt ry. few alnm111