The Gavelyte, November 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 7 LOCALS \Vm. Hastings says: "\Vomen are very hard to g t a long wiLh, but the worst of it is they are harder to get a long with out." "Pluto was Plato's 'brother"-a statement made iby one of t he bright students of the English History cllass. Ada vVallace, in !EducaUon class-";V[an can' t 1ive very long by himself." Prof. Allen-"Wel'l how about woman?" Ada-"But man embracef' woman!" Irene sa:rs-"I just love to take a ?.·alk in the country t h is ki nd of weather, especially when I can go "Chestnutting.'' · Overheard in the Lab._;Chestnut bad just f :nished an experimen t -"Cuckoo! I'm a Bird." Helen Oglesbee-"'WEm I'm not yet.'' Prof. Allen to Mildred Corry in Bible class-"ViTould you be will. ing to kill a lot of preacher s?" "Harry Thaw" ,i,s a railroad,er's term .for a loose "nut." Vv e won– der what "Harry Bird" would ,be. W endelll D., in speaking of his trip to Xenia, said that he 'Was only on the l"teps of the court bouse. He also ad{led th e remarl{ t hat a feJilow was safe so long as he didn't go in. Octoiber 19-Doherty has to stay at home from church. For information ask Doherty. Studellt in Advanced English-"In the refrigeratoi· system in New York City they store poultry and ch ickens and other vegeta 1 bles.'' Hutchinson says lie is going to keep on th right side even if it is not "'\·V-R-J-G-H-T.., The Philoso,pbics have a Gardiner, 'but the Philos have a Bum- gardiner. \Yom<>n are what, gen£rally speaking? ,,·hat? Genernlly speakiing. 'Nho put the ·'boi::s" in Hoskinson? At the clu1b, someone asked: "How many are going to the Opera House" And Ralph Elder immediately helld up two hands. Chestnut and Bumgardner are all (W)right, al'l right! Ada (at the parade)-"Profec:sor, which , ide of this machine is di>eorated the best? This side that we decorated or the other?" Prof. Allen-""'hy, thi..: one is,-" Ada-' Oh, thank you Prol'ei-sor." Prof Allen-"Buause it hid i:; what's in it." • liss .11.,lorence Somers was ealled to h r horn<> at R public, Ohio, November 1st, on aecount of the death or her rather. She r turnerl to ('pdar 'Ill<>, • TO\' mber 9th.
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