The Gavelyte, October 1906
170 - THE xAVELYTE, COMIN(i EVENTS. I 'peaker on the American platform <' 0111 i "'lt-'.'1 from 1•11g-p rnn. I has stronger testimonials c.1 nd none church at Xenia. Dr. Montgomery will give greater sati. faction. is looked upon as one of the most Of our second number Dec. 5th., aggressive thinkers and workers of L. B. Wickersham it is unnecessary his denomination. He is not without I for us to speak aR we have failed to honor as a lecturer as well and hi~ I hear one word other than in highest p~n has called forth ~-any high com- 1 praise of his lecture here last season. phments from the critics. He has filled the large t number of These addresses are free to the return engagements, in a limited Rtu1lents and their friends and no tiII)e of any one who has ever been doubt will be deeply appreciate~. I upQJl the platform. We need not THE AN UAL LECTURE COURSE. commend him. The people have giv- The College Lecture. Course Com- en their verdict. From such a record mittee wishes to make known to its there is no appeal. patronR and friends that with the ut- The third attraction Jan 10th. most care and also with a greater ex- The Chi~ago Lyceum Ladies have ap. penditure of money than ever before peared in more than a thousand we have selected the be t talent, con- Lecture ~ourse in the united tates sisting of five attractions that has and Canada, and everywhere the ver– ever appeared in the Cedarvilla Op- diet is the same: "the mo t popular era House. quartette that h11s ever appeared in The op,:,ning number will be Mr . our city" .Malwl L. Conklin on ov. 1st. ._ he The program of the hicago Lyce– is one of the few women of this coun- um Ladies is of a popular elass with try who have made for themselves a ju, t enough of the heavier selections nntional and international reputation to give trength and variety. as public Rpeakers, and amo~g these, We have sought quality in these– not one hm~ acheived Ruch an envia- lection of their company and spared hie distinction and won uch hearty no expen e. wnrds of praise nnJ commendation. They are a bright and happy com- he ~as brought to her chosen work pany and give a delightful evening of a trong and winning personality, song and tory. thorough education, wide experience, The fourth attraction Jan. 29th., depth of feeling and a firm convict- stand, at head of the list of popular ion that she has a ME. SA(;E. o entertainers, "Roney' Roys" Concert --
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