The Gavelyte, October 1906

l 71 Co. It is safe to say there is no will appear Ap ril 23 rd. ParlettL\ conce rt company that is ::-o much speaks in desperate earnestness, but talked about ancl written about, and wit and humor beam from almost e\'– of whom friend say:-; to friend , "Don't ery sentance. His humor is not thl· fail to hear them if you ever get a kind that merely makes you laugh chance." We e,Lil not describe in while you are getting it. While Wllrds the entH rtainment given by I your mouth is open be drops in a this company but we ean say the I sugar coated truth th~t soaks into cost of thi.3 attraetion has never your system and becomeH part uf) ou r been excelled a 11d never lrnt once creed. Best of all he brings an in spi r– equaled by any number given on the ing message 1 fit for any pulpit, his Cedarville pl'at'fo rrn. word picture's are most vivid antl his The fifth nu111bar, H.alµh Pal'lett~, \ climaxes are pronounced mastl:'r- orator humorist, platfurm philosopher I pieces of oratory . . Shoes! Shoes!! W. L. Ooug·las $3.50 Shoes for men IN :A:LL LEHTHERS. Dorothy Dodd Shoes f9r women, $ 3.QO HND $ 3.SO. Spec ial Attent ion to Students at · Bird's .B Some Facts for Advertisers. · It pay:,: to ADVERTCSE with us; because we have the BEST ADVER– TrsrNG . MEDIUM in the County. We see to it that our readers know our advertisers. We accept but one class of advertising– the best. Our readers are thus guaranteed that your " ad " tells the truth. Try us and prove our assertions.