The Gavelyte, October 1906
------------- - ------ ------ The Capitol Colleg·e OF ORATORY AND MUSIC Fl{ANK R. FOX, l\L A., PRES''r. Essential Steps in Reading and Speaking By Frank . Fox, profe. sor ol' public speaking in Cedarville Colleg , ~t==--"":=' is a practical text book l'or home ITS YOUR. MOVE! MO"'.il.E NOW! and order a C'opy of "ESSENTIAL STEPS IN READING AND SPEAKING." AWL YOUR SHOES study and the class room. 42~1 pages. 0 illustrations. A new text book fo r the home and the school. Price $1.50 Addres the author, 107G Neil ave– nue, Columhus, Ohio. F · ks f Cor. Neil and 3d Avs. ran . ox, COLUM8US, OHIO • . S. W. SMITH, Pres't. 0. L. SMITH, Cashier. WOULD LAST LONGOR I .L. E. Wm ERY, A ·s't Ca;hier IF YOU KPET YUOR SOLE 1THE EXCHANGE BANK, . - IN REPAIR- See the "Big Chief" at THE SHOE HOSPITAL. Main street, Cedarville, Ohio. Cedarville, Ohio. Does a General Banking and Exchange Husiness. TONSORIAL ARTIST, ~=~========~- Facial Massage and Shampooing. Boys, You're Bound to Win I Students' Patronage Solieiuid. --WITH A--. i Sp: i 1 aTt?.~:o!-'f; ~~~ y s~'.1?n°ts I J • W • MCCOY, Ce':;~;:;.' le,
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