The Gavelyte, October 1906
A. G. S·PALDING & BROS& Largest Manufacturer in the World of Official Athletic Supplies. Base Ball, Lawn Tennis, Foot Ball, Golf. Implements for All Sports. Every requisite for Lawn Tennis and Golf. . For over a quarter of a century Spalding's Trade Mark on Base Ball imple– ments bas marked the ad– vancement of this particular sport. Spalding's Trade=Mark on your athletic implements gives you an advantage over the other player, as you have a better article, lasts longer and gives more satisfaction. Eve ry Base Ball ;)f a nage r should end at once for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue-Free. New York, Chicago A. G.' SPALDING & BROS., Denyer, San Francisco Fountain Square, 27 E. Fifth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. NOVELTIES ARE SOLD BY McCOLL\:JM. HEADQUARTERS FOR College Pins, Emblems, Etc. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS. Repair Work a Specialty CERTAINLY See McCOLLUM for UMBRELLAS. Cedarville, = = = = Ohio . LIVERY AND BOARD1N6 STABLE. I I J Student's Conveyances for All Occasions. Patronage Solicited. I I I C. C. WEIMER, Ohio. I Cedarville, I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have a contribution drop it in the news box in the main hall. · j It may not be published at once but -~------------!! I will be of value in the next issue. ....
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