The Gavelyte, October 1906
The Gavelyte. VOL. 1. OCTOBER, 1906. NO. 8. Alumni Notes. said that owing to the confidential nature of his visit to Cedarville he Mr. A. D. Stewart, former Profes- had no word for the public. sor of sciences, is now attending Medical College in Philadelphia. Mr. W. R. Shaw, '06, returned home after spending a few months Rev. W. R. Graham, '04, spent a in N. Dakota, Sept. 29th. "Shorty" few days in Cedarville last week. visited the college Friday, P. M., He resumed his studies in Lane Oct. 5th ., spending most of his time Seminary at Cincinnati, Oct. 10th. discussing foot ball and watching the Prof. and Mrs. w. w. Morton have squad at practice. Mr. Shaw was g,me to houi,ekeeping at Burkeville, captain °~ the '05, ~earn. He says Va. The Professor is asRistant prin- the team is stronger rn every respr<"t, cipal of the Longyear High School. , than it was last year. Mr. S. C. Wright, '03, Editor of College Notes. "The Cedarville Record" and the pop- ular printer of the "Gavelyte" was I What is Bryson's opinion of Jose– called to his former home at Idaville, I phine? Ind., on account of the death of a 1 sister, Sabbath, Oct., 7th. \ . Why does Confarr want so many I diamonds? Mr. J. F. Anderson, '01, now fourth 1 " • • ,, • " 1 year man in the Law department at \ Prexi~ to Al~e1 ta Has ) 1 ~nr 0. 8. U. was in town Friday, Sept. , father fimsht'd plantrng corn yet? , 28th. The purpose of his viPit is not I Mr. Wilson Hanna has returned to (~Xa('tly known. When interviewed college arriving from Indianapolis, 1,y a rPporter for tlw c::avelytr he J Oct. 6.
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