The Gavelyte, October 1907
167 THE GAVELYTE, ---·----··-------------------------- ATHLETIC·S. . I The team opened its season, Sept.1 1 La-tely there has been a dec:idPd 28th, at Wittenberg, losing_ by the lack of spirit shown not only by the score of 60- 0. Our men showed I Student Body but also by memlie, ;-; lack of practice and team work was of the team. It stands tu reasou woefully neglected. The men were that, unless there is more Jnvalt; treat(ld royally by Wittenberg. shown by the Student. B,1111 · and . ' Since the game with Wittenberg more spirit shown by the team, it on Sept. 28, Foot-Ball prospects for I would be better to cancel the sc.:hedule · the future have been exceedingly dark. I and abandon foot ball for the season. But we have learned a few things I In the history of Cedarville College just the same. First. that we cannot I there has never Leen an autumn, develop a winning team from new when the Orange and Blue was nc1t material without a competent coach. supported by a foot-ball team, and We ha11rn the weight, and we have generaly one of the winning ty(Je. some :speed, but we lack the team- Therefore we cannot and must not work. And as has been demon- abandon foot-ball for the :;eason of s trated team-work can only be made 1907. So, ''Come out, Boys," and perfect under . the direction of a I show that you are true college men, good coach. :B.,rom the old Adage by donning foot-Lall suits, everyuay we find that "where there is a will. that there is practice." "Give the there is a way." Now let's get busy team your ' Upport, Girls" and show and do all in our power to help get by your pn·sence at the games that a coach at the earliest possible date. you interested. And we will have We have learned also that we a team of whieh we 11eed not Le cannot have a winning B'oot Ball I ashamed. 1 1 eam unles~ we manifest a little~ , --------- more of thP true C'ollPge ~pirit. I Supp.irt the Lecture Course.
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