The Gavelyte, October 1907
/ The Gavelyte. VOL. II OCTOBER, 1907. NO. 8. · Local News. Pay your subscription! Patrnnize advertisers!!! Sul~Rrribe for the Gavelytel I Elder Hutchison has been ad~iUed I to the .Junior class of Oh io State Un– I iver. ity without examination. I We an~ all glad to see Miss Jean- 11 nette Orr hack in the class room once more, after her illne. s of , everal clays . Support the Lecture Course!!! We are very glad to see with us Oratorical Contest, Nov. 1st!!! once more the familiar face of Eu- Who doctored the molasses at the I ward Shaw. He resumed his studies club? on Sept. 80. Mary Williamson is missed from It is novel to have chicken at a sp read, but that constituted th e !:hief My! 1 dish at a recent gathering, where a I number of young college people held I school this year. Everybody is say ing, "Oh! those dreadful tests ." • 1 sway. "Don't lose your chance, _get after J great things."- Johnston. I Bill H.- "Prof. McChesney, I would "P 1 • fl . th like to say a few words in chapel this ersona m uence 1s wor more I . . ,, " th b k " D J h ·t morning. Prof. - Well, you can, an a oo . - r. o ns on. .d d · h prov1 e you qmt w en you are Why was "Bill" Waide's trunk through. placed on Sterrett's back porch re- I O th · f S t 2 3 f 1 ? n e evenmg o .. ep . , a ew cent Y· · of the boys and girls had a spread at Bill "Lint" to Bryson, - "Bryson, Miss Mary Cooper's. There were where is the center supposed to go morr. boys than girls, but it is said through the line? that "Lint" played girl.
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