The Gavelyte, October 1907

C~DA J{VILLF, COLLRGF,. o~m,~lves, but let us help the gr ater very vividly to his audience, the and, indeed more important work, of career of this noble man, from the ti-if outer world, lying so near to us. time he worked for a small living in his own town, pu hing his way Attention i' here called to th through school, college and Universi– numerou:; prizes that have Leen an- ty until that day, when w see hirn be– nounce•I, as donated by friend , . ince for u · carried through th African the opening of the ter111. Last month, wilderne s by his faithful snvantH, we announced a H1ble reading prize, th n tran ferr d to the vessel, at th this month, a prize of $ii.OD i' offered I end of whose journey, he was int r– to that tudent of ·any class, who I red in Westmin ter Abbey. 'l'he secures for the year, the highest thanks of all should be h~artily b - averng·e in I 1 '.11glish Bible. Would it stowed upon the faculty for· their not be a wi 'e thing, in the case of efforts to procure differ nt chapel athletic conditions at pre ent, to offer I peaken;, throughout the year. We a:; a11 award, to that member of any hope that the system of chapel athletic team of the college, who has lecturers inaugurated last year, will the highest general average of the be continued thi:s year, for we realize, year,a prize as an indu..:ement both that the personal influence of those to study and to athleLics. 'l'his has I who address us is very strong. bee11 u ed in other eolleges, why not I -- in Cedarvillt>. I Directory. --- I I Chape~ Lectures. I Pr~~-·-~'.1.i.l~1-~~~~~1~~~-~-~~i.t.~~-~~i,,r:;e~~~~'. The st>C(rnd_ ch~µel lecture of the 1 1 Pres. Philosophic Literary. Soei~ty, year was Jeltvered l.Jy the R~v. W. . ..................... Wm. H,iwthoine. _ P. Johnston, D. D. of Geneva College, Pres Gavel Club, ...... E. B. McClellan. who spoke "David Livingstone." Pres. Athletic As'n ...]. K. Williamson. He brought out as the leaning points, Manager of Fuot Ball Team, the following thoughts: - 1. He led ..................... Wm. Ilawthorne, .Jr. a thoroughly honest life; 2. He was Prrs. S. M. C., ........... n.. J. Brigham. ·exceedingly ambitiou~, ;3. <;ot the Pres. Y. M. C. A., ...... 1)..J. Brigham. best preparation possible; 4. The Prl"S, Oratorical As'n, .. E.B. MtClellan. C'hoiee of his reading matter was rxet>llt>nt. Thf> ]rd.m·rr, portrayecl ,'uh~erilw for Tm: ';A VELYTE.