The Gavelyte, October 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 125 -------------------------------- collt>ge. Remember our advertising frienrls in Cedarville, in Xenia and in • pringfiPld. what it was in your day- but wont you, dear friend, just overlook our frailities, and think of some of your own shortcomings, but for the sake of We are happy to acknowledge here all that's worth while, don't let us our gratitucle for the help our facul- see another letter from any alum– ty is giving us along all lines of stud- nus- except it contains a check or t-'nt activitiPs and though they have I postal order- requesting that we quit co-opPrate<i with us at some sacrifice I sending him his Gavelyte. What ! is to themselves, yet they did it cheer-I there no more spirit than that in the fully and uncomplainingly. Witness: I breasts of our alumni? Just for Ced– Dr . McKinney's present of eleven suits arville's sake, and for her advance– to the foot-ball team; Prof. Allen's j ment and increasing power, let's get .aid in Y. M. C. A. work; Prof. Jurk-1 closer together, overlook each other's at's ''Current Events", Prof. Fitzpat- I flaws and help by your influence, by riek's social work and helpful alum- your writings, or by your dollars to ni news; Miss Smith'R kind and help- encourage the present students in ful attitude to all - and she's only be- J their difficult tasks. And whoever gun; and Dr. McChesney's- have we you may be, who read this, know that space?- invaluable words to all, his this was written from a heart sincere help on this paper and his personal in it:3 desires for unity and co-opera– influence - what more can you reas- tion batween all. onably expect--down with the knock– ers but- we have none this year! Fox has come! Elocution work has started. ow watch developments. Right at the start, we want to :3ay He addressed us in chapel pleading to you, alumnus and to you, fellow for faithfulness in daily tasks, for student that we µropose senrling faith in God, for faith in our fellows, YOUR c~llege paper each month, trust- and above all for faith in self. ing that we may have your ass:istance '1 more this year than we have had dur- A st~aw vo~e was ta~en in the col– ing preceding years of The Gavelyte. lege this mornmg resultmg as follows: We wish to .3ay, farther, that if in Taft, 26; Bryan, 22; Chafin, 7; Debs,2. any way the Gavelyte does not reach Pretty close, wasn't it! 'l'he college your ideals- and we re::tlize so mu ch I also ~oted as ~ _u_nit on Greene coun– how p ,,or the student body is now, to ty gomg proh1b1t10n.
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