The Gavelyte, October 1908
126 1'1-rn l1A VELY'J'E, The Oratorical Association has re- refreshments, President Brigham act– electecl its old officers, and the mem- ed as toastmaster and introduce<i bers are bu:::y preparing for the con- Prof. L. T. Marsh~ll, Prof. A lien an<i test in November. Great glee has I Rev. Taylor, whn responded with been caused by the coming of Prof. some practical and some pointed hum– Fox thus early in the year, and the orous str.iries. student body appreciate the sacrifice of ~ime and strength which he is mak– ing in order that we, of Gedarville College, may be profited. The Philosophic Society gave its annual recE'ption to students, faculty and friends on Sept. 28th. About fif– ty were gathered and a thoroughly Philo Society always gives a grand sociable evening . was passed by all. opening reception, but it seems that I The reception was good, but we ven– this year they went even beyond their I ture to say the first meeting was bet– own expectations. About eight.y peo- j ter. In fact, we will go farther and ple, including members, friends, alum- 1 state that .no more crowdPd hou~e ev– ni of the Black and Gold all crowded j er filled the hall, nor was any more into Philo Hall, in the first social I interesting program ever rendered event of the year. The efficient so- i than was given Mon<iay evening, Oct. cial committee had things working !5Lh. The meeting was opened by the without a falter, and all departed I president, Lloyd Confar, with the in– from the Philo Hall that night heart- augural address, and after the read– ily thanking the society for the sple11- ! ing of the 91st Psalm, the Rev. Dr. <lid time they had provided. Afo-•r .\lrChesney led in a simple, inspiring I
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