The Gavelyte, October 1908

CEDAl{VILLE COLLEGE. 127 prayer, and the fi,·st number on the I Fitzpatrick made a delightful little literary program, an essay, was read speech, which pleased everybody, in- Ly William Hawthorne. Then fol- eluding the chairman. lowed current events by Bertha Stor- It may be interesting to our Alum– rnont; declamations by Alberta Cres- ni friend~ and readers to kn ow that a well ancl .J osPphine Orr; an nration. 1 Mission Study class composed of fif– ''Be Still and Know", Rertha Dean; a teen men - almost half of the men biography by .Julia Harbison; Irish students, has been organized under Granrlrnnther's lettn, read suitahly the leadership of Prof. Allen. This and very expressively, by Wm. Waid~· is a ~orthy rnJve. and we . hope the . . ' men rn the class will make ,t what a an rnterei,,trng and close debate be- 1 Y. M. c. A. class should be. tween E. B. McClellan and Gowd.) I On Thursday eve, Oct. 9th, the first Williamson, "Resolved, that college pr~yer-meeting w_as held u~cter thf' fraternities should be abolished" de- gmdance of Chairman Waide, who cided in the neg-ative· a vocal soi'o b read as Scripture, 2nd ~imothy, 4th . . ' Y chapter. Addres~es of em:oi.lrage- Miss Beth Irvin completed an eve- 1ment and exhortation were made by ning's entertainment of which fully I Prof. Allen on "The Y. M. C. A. as a every moment was profitable. A Training School", asserting that young very pleasant sight to many was the men were just at t~e periorl for ~e- f Id Ph· i h· 1 • velopment and proving that the tram- presence o our o I osop 1c a umni I ing afforded by Y. M. c. A. was nec- essary and practical to aftt->r success Y. M. C. A. in life; by Dr. McChesney, ''A Young We held our annual reception, Oct. Man's Influence", showing from pro- fane and sacred history that it was 6th, down in the lower rooms of Car- men who lived determinerl lives for negie Library. The two h1=1lls were good that surceerlPd, and asking that ta. tefully dP.corated in the Hlue anrl care be takPn as to our individual in– Orange hunting, and though the rooms fluence in college; by Rev. Taylor, who hav~ not bRen furnished in any way, spoke on, ''The Spiritual Side of Y. . . M C. A. Work", telling us what grf'3.t the social committee, under the lead- work was being done by the Y. M. C. ership of Woodbridge Ustick, did I A. in securing candidateR for the Rplendidly. After the collation had ministry, thus overcoming somewhat .bPen Hnved, Kt>nneth WilliamHon the l:wk in that calling. The talks S hy these men certainly should show Hpoke on "Foot-ball" and Messrs. te- YOU non member, where the best lies. wart and Roy HendPrson, delivered Everyborly is backing us up, this themRelves of congratulatory messag- y~ar. but- we need YOU, individually. PS to thr Y. M. C. A., and Prof. . T. I<. Wont YOlT help?