The Gavelyte, October 1908
Cl~DARVILLE COLLEGE. l~l --------·----- - ------------ n::ited Taft; for presi<lent because he was the only man outside of Roose,velt who 0ommanded attention outside of his own s tate, and Sherman for.. vice– president because they must have somebody from New York and Hughes refusP- ri to takP second place on the ticket. Colonel Dup0nt was connected in some way with the management of the campaigri, but resigned a couple of weeks ago because he was in bad odor beca.u~e,.of;::.hi.s former dealings with thf' big corporations . · The Deniorrats, ahsolutely untramm~led l l).y a boss, nominatPd Rryan for pre~ident because he said "I told you so" over Parker's defeat, and Kern for vice-president because Indiana is a doubt,ful 'state. Bryan is cond~cting his campaign on the ptrn that 'he is , the n'l'lir of" · Roosevelt's poHcies. The Democracy has it; Dupo_nt in the 'shape 'o{H~~kell \~ho 1 resig~ed under fire, from the financial managemf'nt· or' the' u:nt~'i·~ifiJiJ. ' · ThP biggest duck i~ the 'puaii1t ' 1 i ·ae1Jfh. ···, He has evidently ' been spending; ,t~e la~_t. two ~r thr~e yia'r~} bi 1i~~fr¥f '.lettfs \~ 1 nich tl.e a~thors now probably wrnh had never been written. They are all bfief and to the 0 ' ~; 0 , i I 1 ~ fljt ~ • 1 • j ' _ • 0 0 , , I O 0 point, anil he hurls them into bot.l;i camps w1Ui beautiful 1mpart1ahty. Foraker, like HaskeiL ·\aJ· bepbm~ a: targ~t ' lor h'is shafts, and has ' he~n driv~n t<; l~ngthy ' expr1~iitiohs1 \VRl~h(ili1ttise'' but' .' tio 1 k~t ' 1 ex·2ulpate. •l·t·.,(f· ··rqin~·Q"\.i .....,, 'l. i • ' i ' ' • The d,1y of the mal..'hine politician seems to be en~lng, as we11 'as that· of the man who expects tl1t-· head of the 'tic.ket t(; ·pull him through for gov~rnor. In 1904 no ]ps's than four stat"es elected 'oemodradc "governors whil~ giving Roosevelt their Plectoral VOLf'S, and it 'is admittfld ' that it jis ' tH~t 1 li3'ucatetl man whfl ..s.cratclws his ballot. It looks ~s if this will be a bann~r fear for ::::cratche1i tickPt~, l'r~m ·l he natjon down to the municipali~y. Meanwhilt> Ohi,11 has been voting on the county local optiun plan, no l\ss than twP~ty counties havina aone dry within the last month. The Greene n ,o , county· election is :,;'~t for 0l'tober 27th. · · · · . 1 11• • • A · (~ In foreign affairs there 1s not much to mterest an _mencan. 1ermany i:-; doing her h1-st to produl..'e fri cti on wit~ Fni'~ce over the .Morocco question and the ether nation:,; are disgusted rather than alarmed at her cimduct. as u:::: ual. there is trouble in the Balkam;, ·' The ~la'vi c pop~lation has never endured patiently the Turki sh yokt, and they think their chanres for inr)Pp ,nr!enrP are n ; v h~tter than eve r. 1 It i.,; r!~mnrtid that Ferdi~an_d of BqY~~ rill 1 js about to proelaim himsel'. Czar ~f al_l the Rulgars,. l,oth ~v'.t~1m and wit~~nfhis prin('ipality. Turkey v1c•wR this with alarm and 1s moh1l1z111g • J' \
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