The Gavelyte, October 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. - -------------------------- ------- s"ek oth~rs. because environment marks out for us our path of direction. The main environments influencing life and life-work are hereditary and associative. The formn are transmitted by ancestors. We are not re– spon il->le for having them but for the use we make of them. The latter are placPci about us by God and our fellow-men, and also to a great extent createci or at least chosen by ourselv<:'s. , Th<:' whole problrm of choosing a life-work then is having self, environ– mPnt, and God as fantors to be comiider~d. what shall we choose? Self says <'hoose that for which you are fitted., B~nvironment says "I offer you any of many courses." nod sayR "I have t-ndowed you with pow<:'rS of body an<i soul and placer! yon amid environ– nwnts that you might choose to do right and be good." Observation anci reason combine with experience to say that all rE>al work from that of the news-boy to that of the minister of the gospel is honorable and needful. The safe rnle to follow then is the strongPst inclination provided it points to a calling aciapted to your powers, suggested by your environments anci in keeping with what is right . Prof. Agnes Smith ! 1 time, of clmses in the Univen:;ity of 1 Wooster. During her senior yPar Th<:' chair of English, for the past I she acted as assistant librarian, and three years so ably filled hy Professor had entire charge of the University FMith Morris, who resigned last Library during the last session of the ~pring, ii-; this year occ_upied by Mi~R WoostP.r Summer School. Miss Agnes .Jean Smith. ProfeRsor Smith, Smith has considerable literary ability who h, thE> daughtf:'r of a preshytnian j of a high order and in her colll'ge minister, was Pd11eated at the Univer- 1days achieved a great deal of dis– sit.y of Woostn, gra..rluating there tinction along this line, many of h<:'r laRt year. Throu~hout her· college I stories and poems b~ing publi:-,he<l and coursl', she maint:iined a high stand- 1 enj()' ~ wfde circle of readE>rs. ar<i of Rcholarship, and comes to her I She has alreadJ prove<i herself an ablr work at Cedarville with the higheRt teacher and will be in every l'PSpPrt recommendation.,; from her instruct- 1 a valuable addition to our faculty. or!-1. She has had some experience in tPaching, havinl-( ha<i charge for a PatronizP onr advt>rti~rrs!