The Gavelyte, October 1908
c:.-c~-=15 N elson's=o. [ A Selectio~ from Love:s--;a l~-~ds. --,-- . , (With Apologies to Bill Nye) 8pecial to ·the Gavi>lyte:,-, atur- / -- ;i, 0 10h h JI SOTF]:-'l'lwnutho1·0~ ,thispiN·i>~implylH'it<l - uay, Ct. t , t e CO ege team WOn i>d it ".-\ Si>lel'tion from Lo1·e·,; B allads"' with its first victory on the new athletic itpo]ogies to Bill Nye. I \\' i>, for ,.,,tf!'ty',.: ,.:a,ke, fi l ;i h h f 15 t O - t ()l'!'>'!'ntitwitbapolog-iPstotlwri>acti>r.-~~ditor e 11. y t e score o o , agams Plson's Business College. A fair I ~ized crowd was in atti>n'dance, and C. ' C, bedecked in th1--ir new uniforqis, certainly played a game which many old timers d~clare to · be the best any college team has ever shown. My! 1 1 but ·those two backs, Turnbull anc Gapt. "Williamson, did "rip up that Nelson'::; line ; why, man alive, they just galloped· dowri th~\field, reeling off ten yards at· a time/ an·d it is like- 1 ly that only the slick condition of the I field, due to rain between halves, prevented the Orange and Blue total– ling some more. Anyway they were going for it. B'ields, right end, made our first touch down by falling on a punt ovn the goal line, and, Turnbull and William. on scored the others by heavy line bucking. Oh, we' ve got a ~ea.m now men. Jm;t pull together ancl you're bound to have the pm;h . His name was Phil A;,d hers was Grace You seldom saw her With any other face. They closer grew And love was bold But this~you know, Must sure grow cold. And so they quit Corresponiling just '· But next Fall came And love they must. The same qld story Again mus t oe wrote But to tell you all Is most remote. So I'll just quit As sure they will When Spring rolls round. And she's had her "Phil". Prof. Fox is here! GE>t in line for • A conversation overheard: - elocution work-start in · early and "Is thi s your firs t year here?'' begin :your training fo r next year's :, o sir, I've bern here three years, oratorical contest or inter-collegiate now." ''What,'s the prospectf: for debate, who knows but that you may foot-hall?" ''Very li>right, exceeding- be one of those chos9n- then what ly bright." "H.~ve you paid your tui- , would Jou do without the' pre1imi~~~{ "· tion, yE>t ?" '· world . · !i, ', ,,
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