The Gavelyte, October 1908
- ··-·-·--·----·------------- J. WILLIARD MOCI\, High Art J arnestown, Photographer, = - Ohio. AT CEDARVILLE, OHIO, Ol TUESDAYS OF' EAC'H WEEK. Special Rates To Students. Go to SCHELL'S, Xenia, 0., FOR YOUR Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry, of all kinds. Cut Glass, Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, All Kinds of Repair Work. SCHELL, Steele B'ld'g, Xenia , Ohio. Stop in and See Our Latest in MILLINERY Lines! Hats Trimmed. Latest Styles. 37 (ireen=St., OSTERLY'S MILLINERY STAND, Xenia, Ohio. ¥11$ AIIGII Any one who <irink. three glasse, of whiskey a day fo r one year and pays 10 et-;. a drink for it can have in exchanl!,e at th is store 2110 lh,;. C:nuiulnt<"<l Rug;ll" :i H,t•T<•ls 1"lo11r .,11 lhs Butl<'r 111 ll•s C'1tndy Ill do:t.<'ll Hanu nas 1, Buslwls H<'ans I1, 1'1•p11<·r a dor. <' •1 ns 'L'omatop.; 20 BushPI:, Po tatop,.; JO lhs ('ilt>PS(' 10 clor.Pll l'it'klt>,; 2 clor.Pn Cans <'orn JOO ('a kPs Scrn p 2 lbs. 'L'Pll 12 Package,; . Roll e.'! Oats I B,i: r<'I Crac·kers 2:i I bs. Coffep 10 clo7.en Ontng-e;, 18 B.oxes Matc·h<>R :w lhs . Ric<> ;;o lhs. nit for the samP m11nPy and get $1S.30 premium for making the change in his PXJwndi tu res. NA:GLEV BR0S-
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