The Gavelyte, October 1908

--------······-------------,----------,--------------- College. People, Remember to call on me for latest style hats. Hats Trimmed. Your Pat ronage Snlicited. Miss Craufurd, Milliner, We can show you The Best and Most Up-to-date in Ladies Millinery. Hat::: Trimrrn,d . Ca.II at I Arbogust (U C .o., Milliner, 7 E. Main=st ., S. Ma in=st. , Cedarville, Ohio. I -----------· Xenia, Ohio. ~~~~~~~~~~ ! ~~~~~~~~~~ 1 I 1 J. R. Cooper, · Ridgway's Grocer, I Cor . Main=st & Xenia=ave. Phone 76. Cedarvi'lle, Ohio. j Stationary, Perfumes, Confectionaries, Waterman Fountain Pens Staple & Fancy Groceries , Provisions . Patronage Sol icited . I It is non e too early to be thinking - about- Xmas Gifts. Ca.II and ,see Johnson 's Line , Of CUT t;LASS, CHINA and JEW– .EIJRY. E~rything new 'anrl up– to-d a tf' . I- ~·· •. i I l Are first clas~- goods. The Corner Grocery. I· Very best line of (i rocei·ies, Pru– . viRions, etc. Fresh fruit from the C.ity every day. I Highest prices .paid for Rutte r, Eggs ·and Produce . 0. M. Townsley.